Post-Finale 1: The Moving

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After X and Seven's Somethings faded away, all of the friends went to go say goodbye to Four's parents.

When X, Two, Six, Eight and Seven went to Four's old house, Four's parents' car was right outside the house.

There was a statue of Four in the front yard.

Many objects all around had worked on it, and...

"Wow!" said Two. "This amount of dedication?! Amazing!"

"Yep," said Six. "Here, he was very special."

"Thanks for not fighting for once," said Eight.

"Why?" said Six. "Should we?"

"No," replied Two.

"I think it's better to not argue," said X. "Though sometimes it is funny when that happens."

"Heh heh," said Seven. "You probably shouldn't fight at all."

Six looked around at the crowd.

Cursed Four.

She got an idea.

Four's parents were putting boxes in the car trunk.

"Hmmmm..." said Four's mom, a pink seven. "Four's old notebook. What should we do with this?"

"I don't know," said Four's dad, an orange negative three (naturally blue). "Maybe we should pack it up with everything else."

Suddenly, a gray arm with a hand with seven fingers reached out and grabbed the book.

"Excuse me, I'll just take this," said Announcer. "I need some new reading material."

He held the book and crossed the road.

"Well," said Four's mom, "I guess it's time to go now..."

The pink seven and her husband got into the blue car.

"Bye, everyone!" said Four's dad.

"WAIT!" said Six.

They led Cursed Four to the car.

"Oh, hi Six -"

Quickly, Six pushed Cursed Four into the car and shut the door.

"Goodbye, Four's parents!" said Six.


The car got on to the road and Four's parents drove off with Cursed Four. All the objects and Algebraliens in the front yard waved goodbye.

"Bye, my wonderful friend Six!" said Cursed Four.

The others looked at Six.

"Why did you do that?" said Two.

"If it helps me move on," said Six.

"What do you mean by that?" said X.

"I... uh... Actually helped create Cursed Four. I... Wanted Test Tube to make a clone of Four, but it failed?"

"What?!" said Eight. "That's crazy! And what I just said sounds like something Two would say."

"Aw, thanks Eight!"

Eight gave Two a thumbs up and nodded.

"What should we do now?" said Seven.

"Get you a new flower, of course!" said Six. "I believe that would be a good thing to do for you because I caused you to lose the last one."

(When Six pushed Seven in the lake they lost his flower)

"Sounds great!" said Seven. "But where will we find a flower!"

"Well, as the leader of the friend group," said X, "I know where we should go! Let's go to the Equation Playground!"

"That's the spirit!" said Six.

All the friends headed to the Equation Playground. X will be an AMAZING friend group leader! :D

Anyways, see you in the next three small parts of post-ending content!

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