The best worst day of Two's Life

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X heard another knock on the door.

He went over to the door.

"Helloooooooo? X, it's me, Two!"

X opened the door.

"Hello again, X! Top of the morning to you! Or should I say, afternoon? Yeah, Eight isn't coming home until dinnertime, so... I decided to come later!"

X and Two began walking on the sidewalk.

"There's a few things we need to do -"

Two sees a message written in chalk on the driveway.

It said:

TPOT Sucks!

"WHO WROTE THIS?" said Two. "*sigh* Must've been Six and their gang. Be honest, X, is TPOT a bad show?"

(TPOT stands for The Power Of Two for anyone who is new to BFDI.)

Two washed the chalk off the driveway.

Two and X headed over to the park.

They saw Seven.

"Hey, Seven," said Two. "Are you doing okay? It must've been really horrible yesterday."

"W-what do you mean?"

"You had a really bad stomachache and had to go to the bathroom."

"Yeah, I'm okay now."

"Good! Do you wanna hang out today?"

"No thanks. Maybe tomorrow..."

"Alright! See you later!"

"Bye, Seven," X said.

X and Two went to the plaza.

"So we have to go to Autumn Leaf Pizza Place and the bakery in Unnamed Store. Come on, X."

First, they went to Autumn Leaf Pizza Place.

Six and her gang was there. Ugh...

"Mmmm, mmmm, MMMM! Autumn Leaf is the BOMB! A cheesy and greasy pizza! Just the way I like it," said Five.

"*Munching* This pizza is taaaaaaasty!" said Three. "What do you think, One?"

"It's great..." said One.

"What do *munch* you think of it, Master?"

"Think of what? The pizza or hanging out at our secret meeting area today?" said Nine.

"I meant the pizza, but hanging out there is also a great idea!" replied Three.

"*munching*" said Ten.

"Can I bring one of my special ladies? Because the meeting area could double as a date spot!"

"Okay, first of all, it's supposed to be secret," said Five.
"Second of all, Nine....

You get no bitches."

"YES I D -




Ten laughed and spit out his soda.

"They're stupid," whispered Two.

Two and X went to the back counter where Evil Leafy was standing.

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