Whale Time Low

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Silhow and friends ate the red gelatin and healed.

After that, they kept going.


Surprise, surprise...


And the Markers.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" said Green Marker. "You can't leave just yet, doll."

"We just want our payment, darling," said Periwinkle Marker. "Can't you see how upset Pink Marker is getting?"

"WHERE'S MY MONEY, LADY?!?! GIMME MY MONEY!!!!" said Pink Marker.

"Uh-oh," said Eight. "It's Flower and those Algebralien Markers!"

"There's no way we're getting caught in the middle of this," said Two. "Let's make a run for it -"

"Stop right where you are, children," said Periwinkle Marker. "I must correct you... As you are sorely mistaken. We are not Algebraliens... We are followers of science!"

and half Algebralien

"It's a common mistake, I'm afraid," said Green Marker. "Algebraliens tend to fear what they cannot understand. Besides, I think I know why Algebraliens think we're them..."

"Hey! What are you looking at me for?" said Pink Marker.

"That aside, we have a bigger problem on our hands."

"That's right," said Periwinkle. "Where do you think you're going... Flower, darling?"

"You owe us a big, big bag of CLAMS!" said Pink.

"Hmph! As if you three peasants are worthy of payment! All I wanted was for you to make me a perfect match... But you've all managed to fail me in three different ways! If you are so insistent to get your worthless CLAMS... Let these children cover the charge!"

Flower laughed and left the place.



"Flower has been disposed of! I was afraid that I couldn't hold back any longer! Also, she had no clams. Zero! Not a single one! Which is unfortunate... as I am getting a bit...... h u n g r y ..."

"THAT WENCH DOUBLE-CROSSED US!" said Pink. "I knew there was something fishy about her..."

"Hmmmm... Well, not necessarily," said Green Marker. "She did say these children would cover the charges."

"Oh yeah, huh! In that case, she's definitely paid her due. Which parts of them should we sell off first?"

Silhow and friends started backing away.

"Don't be such a brute, Pink Marker!" said Green Marker. "I'm sure she meant the kids would pay us... not that we should sell them!"

"Alright, darlings," said Periwinkle Marker. "Now be good, and hand over your big, big bag of clams!"

"Huh?" said Two. "S-so, uh...yeah, about that... Just curious... How much does she owe you anyway?"

A million fees listed later...

"So that brings the total charge to about... 1,000,000 clams," said Periwinkle Marker.

"ONE MILLION CLAMS?!" said Six. "We don't have that kind of money!"




"Well, that's just too bad. BLUE, SEAL THE EXITS!"

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