Six's Day

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X slept a dreamless sleep.

He woke up.

The blanket fort was gone.

X walked near the bedroom door.

"Gooooood morning, X!" said Eight. "Rise and shine! I noticed the to-do list with the chores your mom gave you, so I finished them all! Hope you don't mind! Also, I made you breakfast! Come down and get it while it's still warm... Two's already on his second plate!"

Eight left the bedroom.

X went to the bathroom, did his business, and looked in the mirror. Same as always. Also, he washed his hands.

X left the bathroom and went downstairs.

The closet door, fucking gone like usual.

The piano room.

It actually looked nice during the daytime.

Light shining in through the boarded up window.

The Silhouette piano.

X went to the kitchen.

"♪ Gooooooood morning, X! Rise and shine!"

"Top of the morning, X!" said Two. "You'd better... *Munch* start eating before I finish it all! I already ate most of the bacon though."

X ate some bacon and drank some orange juice.
"That was amazing!" X said.

"Thanks!" said Eight. They looked at Two.

"Another plate of bacon, coming in hot!"

"Oh boy! All for me? Thanks a bunch, bro! Heh heh!"

The doorbell rang.

"*Munching* Who could that be?" said Two. "I'll go get the door."

"PWWWWAAAAAAHHHHH! IT'S YOU! EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW! What is all this? What the heck, Two?!"

Eight went over to the door.

X followed.

It was Five.

"Huh? What's going on over there?" said Eight.

"Dangit, Two... Now I have eggs all over me..." said Five.

"Well, I'm sorry, but... You're the last person I'd expect to see here. What are you doing here anyway?" said Two.

"*Grumbling* I was just about to get to that! It's just... It's Six. She's not answering her door, or their back door... or the rocks we've been throwing at their window! She was really upset yesterday... I KNOW THIS IS YOUR FAULT SOMEHOW! Tell me what you did to them!"

"We didn't do anything! She's the one with the problem!" said Two.

"Hold on, Two," said Eight. "If Six's that upset, we should at least try to do something to help. This is Six we're talking about! We've known each other since we were kids!"

"You weren't there when they pushed Seven into the lake!" said Two. "I told you... She's different now! We shouldn't bother with Algebraliens like them!"

"It's true that they've changed, but that doesn't change the fact that I still care about her. And even if she doesn't show it... I'm sure Six still cares about me, too. That's just the kind of Algebralien they are."

"I don't know about that..."

"Today is our last chance to do it before... well... you know... There's no way I can just let it end like this! We should at least try to talk to them!"

"Well... Me and X can tag along...but you're gonna have to be the one doing the talking. She listens to you the most..."

"Thanks, Two. Hey, Five... Thanks for asking us for help. You're a good friend."

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