Helping Numbers (Maybe) 2!

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After getting the things that Two needed, X decided he wanted to help people again.

So the two friends ran around town, seeing if anyone needed anything.

First, they went to Object Hobby (the store where Puffball Speaker Box works).

"♪ Hello there my friends! ♪" said Puffball Speaker Box.
"♪ An item we sold years ago is finally back in stock! Yes, that's right! The little things that are like the Tamagotchi things, but better, are finally back in stock! ♪"

"You seriously forgot the name of them?" said Two.

"♪ Well, yeah...♪"
"♪ I'd normally sell them for 15 dollars, but since X seems like he wants it, I'll give it to him for only $10! ♪"

"Sure," X said. He handed $10 to PB SB.

"♪ Alright! This one's all yours! ♪"

X took...well, whatever it is.

"I'm probably not gonna play with it anyway," said X under his breath.

"♪ Thank you for shopping here! ♪" said PB SB.

Next, they headed to Autumn Leaf again.

"Oh, hey! Welcome to Autumn Leaf!" said Evil Leafy. "Sorry about earlier, Two."

Two threw up on the floor.

"Um, I saw the help wanted poster," X said. "Can I work for a bit of extra money?"

"Sure," said Evil Leafy. "Here are some notes in Cheesy's handwriting telling you where three pizzas are supposed to go. Cheesy, help Two clean up the puke."

"Okay!" said Cheesy. He grabbed two mops and one bucket.

X left Autumn Leaf to deliver the pizzas.

*a few pizza deliveries including Six's mom's order later...*

"You did it!" said Evil Leafy. "Here's 20 dollars."

"Hey, X," Two said. "Me and Cheesy finally got this all cleaned up. I feel a bit better now. Also, Evil Leafy, I accept your apology."

Two and X headed to Golf Ball's Tools And Stuff.

"Welcome to Golf Ball's Tools And Stuff," said Golf Ball. "Anything you need..."

"WHEN YOU NEED IT!" replied Snowball.

"I see you staring at that Help Wanted poster, X! Do you need a bit of extra money?" said Golf Ball.

"Yeah," said X.

"Okay! As you can see..." said Golf Ball.

"Everything's in the wrong place!" Snowball interrupted GB.

"Snowball! I am trying to talk! Anyways, there are signs where the tools in the front are supposed to go. I need you to put the tools in the correct place!"

"Okay, I can do that," X said.

"You'll take this job? I'll just sit over here," said Two.

*A LOT of sorting later...*

Golf Ball had fallen asleep.

"Wake up, Golf Ball! X is finished!"

"OH! Sorry about that. Here is your money."

Snowball handed $20 to X.

After that, Two and X continued to walk around the store.

MePhone4 and MePad were looking at some tools and paint.

"I like the purple ones."

"I prefer the blue shades of paint."

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