Bye Bye Blue Friend

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X was laying on the floor.

He was looking up at... The ceiling, or something else, wherever it was.

Then Silhow was sort of crouching near X.

Silhow leaned forward. X looked at him.

Then, X disappeared.

Silhow stood up, then looked at the door.

He went inside...

And saw all of his friends standing there.

Then they all disappeared.

Silhow was all by himself.

He looked at the big yellow Ellipsis that was looking at him.

And the weird snake on the stairs.

👁️‍🗨️🟡👁️‍🗨️ ⬛❌   🐍 🏕️
(yay emojis again)

Silhow touched the snake.

"Waiting for sssssssomething to happen?" it said.

"Shut up," said Silhow. He threw the snake down the stairs.

"No allowanssssssss for you today."

"Fuck you," said Silhow. He left the pastel room.

Silhow went to the Equation Playground, but nobody was there. Except for the mirror.

He played hide-and-seek with it, but it's a fucking MIRROR. You don't ever play hide-and-seek with one of those.


Silhow tried leaving the Equation Playground, but then a thick fog enveloped the entire forest.

He headed north (?) and then he saw Four near the water.

Silhow walked up to Four.

"Silhow, you're here," they said. "I'm so glad you found me. Two, Six, Eight, and all of the numbers are gone. There's a thick fog enveloping the entire forest, except for here. Maybe our friends are across the water. Let's find them together! Do you want to join me?"

I don't know...

"Yes," said Silhow nervously.

"Thanks, Silhouette! I knew I could count on you!"

"No problem. Also, don't call me Silhouette."

"I'll keep you company, so you're not alone," said Four. "I know you really hate that."

Silhow looked at the water.

No no no no no no no no nooooo...

"Steady your heartbeat... Don't be afraid," said Four. "It's not as scary as you think."

We did it boys, the fear of drowning is no more.

Silhow and Four jumped into the water. They swam and swam until they ran into a small island.

On that island was a lighthouse. The two friends climbed the ladders and went into the lighthouse.

On the inside of the lighthouse, it looked abandoned.

On the wall were two pictures. One picture had fallen off the wall. The other showed two distorted faces and the only character whose face wasn't distorted was... Four?

"This poor photo," said Four. "It's barely holding itself together!"

Silhow and Four went up a ladder and were now in the top of the lighthouse.

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