Six! Six?

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Two and X headed to the Equation Playground, which wasn't that far away. When they got there, they heard crying.

Seven was crying. Near him were Six and her gang.

"Great." said Two. "Just great."

"Give me the photo album back!" said Seven.

Six glared. "Make me."

Five and the others (which were Ten, Nine, Three, and One) just laughed.

I don't wanna have to do this...
"HEY!" Two yelled.
"Stop messing with Seven, and GIVE THE PHOTO ALBUM BACK!"

"Two? What are YOU doing here - "

"Wait. X? He's here too?"

X felt a bit embarrassed.

"Yes. He's here too." said Two.

"Huh." Six hesitated a little. "He finally decided to leave the house. "I'm a bit surprised that he was too scared to even make eye contact with anyone outside until now."

"Shut up! You don't know what he's been through!"

"*Sigh* He's been inside for three years, maybe four?"
Six rolls their eyes.
"NOTHING could've changed!"

Two just sighed.

"We'll settle this with a fight."

Six grabs Nail Bat by his, well, the part you hold the bat with, and holds him up.

"Six, why?" said Nail Bat.

"Because Two likes to argue!"

Cue cool opening battle animation

Two throws a small bell at Six.
It hits Six in the arm that she was holding Nail Bat in.

After that, X pulled out a LITERAL KNIFE and cut Six's other arm.


"I don't know, is that A BAT WITH NAILS?!"

"Don't ask," said Nail Bat.

"This guy is a psychopath with a knife. That's it, I'm outta here." said Six.

Six and their friends all got on their scooters and left (except One because he doesn't have arms, they just walked out following everyone else).

After they left, Two looked at X.

"Well, you got rid of her, but...
First of all, that may not have been what I wanted to do.
Second of all, you have a knife."

"Well, Six has a nail bat."

"Nail Bat is a living object. That is just a normal knife.
I know you want to hurt Six that much as much as I do, but I don't think that's a good idea. Plus, well, we don't want to KILL her. I might have to take that."

Then Two confiscated X's knife.

🟩2️⃣ 👉🔪 🟨❌😣

"Aw man," said X.

"Too bad," said Two.

Two and X went over to Seven.

"Sorry about that, Seven," said Two.

"Are you okay?" said X.

Seven sniffles. "You got rid of them, but Six still has the photo album!"

"Oh! Right," X said.

"Well then," said Two. "We should look for Six!"

"But... Where could they be?"

"I don't know, X. But maybe...
her friends know."

Almost 500 words! Well, I'm done with this part! See you in the next one! :)

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