One Heck Of A Finale

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X went into Seven's bedroom.

Seven was looking out the window.

X walked a little closer, and Seven noticed him.

"Ah... X... It's just you... I'm glad you came. It's... It's so good to see you. It came to you that day... The day Four died."

Seven looked at the wall, then at X again, and continued.

"When Four... When Four sunk... You... You couldn't have caused it. It was somenumber taking it... wasn't it? You're a good variable, X. I know you are a good variable! A good variable wouldn't cause that..."

Seven looked at the window again, and continued.

"After all this time... you've finally come back for me. But... tomorrow... you're going away..."

"I'm not, Seven..."

"H-HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!?!? That's mean, X. That's so mean!"

"I -"

Seven backed away from the window.

"Ah," said Seven. "There's something all around us now. Can you see it, X? There's no way out of this, is there?"

X backed into the door. Then he looked at the door.

"You shall not pass!" said Somenumber, blocking the door.

"Oh shi -"

"Where are you going?!" said Seven. They were surrounded by weird goo looking stuff. Some of it shaped like tentacles, some of it shaped like FOUR cacti.

"Stop trying to leave me!" said Seven. "S-stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it!!!"

Seven quickly got "pulled" away then backed away a little. He looked at the window.

"I don't want to be... alone...not again. You... can't... leave me... again..."

X walked towards Seven.

"No... You wouldn't leave me. That's not like you, X! It's somenumber causing you to again, isn't it?"

Suddenly, the stuff SURROUNDED Seven.

"Ah! There it is now!" said Seven. "Do you see it? STAY AWAY! STAY AWAY FROM X! ... I'll protect you no matter what, X! You can count on me! When somenumber killed Four... When somenumber ruined all my photos... I didn't say anything... I didn't want others to think it was you, X. X... X wouldn't do something like that. ... Don't worry, X. I'll save you again. Somenumber behind you... I'll get rid of it once and for all."

X went for the door. He saw Somenumber there still. He backed away.

"Let's help you find your value!"

"X..." said Seven. "Don't be scared. I'm scared too, but... This is for the best. Everything is going to be okay... Everything..."

Somenumber pushed X towards Seven.

" going to be...okay..."

X screamed. "NO!"

Fight begins?.....

X tried to calm down...but his lungs fought to breathe.

Seven's eyes are red from crying.

X wanted to run.

X tried to focus...but nausea overwhelmed him.

Seven reached inside X.

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