Helping numbers (maybe)

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X and Two were running around all over town.

"I thought we were getting the album to Seven," said Two.

"I saw some Algebraliens who seem like they might need something," X said. "I want to go help them first."

"Okay," said Two.

X walked over to an old Algebralien standing in their front yard.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh hello, young Algebraliens!" she said. "I may need some help. You see, I take a certain medication, and it has to be picked up today. I would normally send my grandson One to pick it up, but they weren't here all day. I can't find my son either. Would you two be able to help? My legs are a bit weak, so I can't pick it up myself."

"Sure!" said X.

The old Algebralien gave X her prescription and ID card.

X and Two ran all the way to the pharmacy at Unnamed Store.

Just then, an announcement came on the PA system.

"Attention, shoppers. The store will close in thirty minutes. Finish shopping and make your way to the exit."

"GREAT! I remembered the pharmacy closes soon! Come on X, we need to get the medication ASAP!"

Two and X ran to the pharmacy just as it was closing.


go away TPOT intro now's not the time

X and Two were met by Boom Mic.

"Hello," they said. "We were just about to close the pharmacy, but if you need anything, now's the time to get it!"

X shows Boom Mic the prescription and ID card.

"Ohhhh, I remember this one! Let me just - Oof."

Boom Mic walks to the back of the pharmacy and Two and X follow them in.
(Of course, Boom Mic keeps bumping into everything.)

They give X the medication.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to drag MePhone3GS out of here."

"Please Cobs, don't. Please Cobs, don't. Please Cobs, don't. No, please, no, no, nooooo.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

Boom Mic muted 3GS so he would stop panicking. (Well, not stopping, but just so they didn't have to hear it.)

Two and X made their way out of the store but stopped for a bit to watch Yin-Yang attempt to buy an entire vending machine.

After that, they went back to the old Algebralien's house to give her the medication.

"Thank you very much! Feel free to visit anytime!"

Two and X went inside One's house and looked around.

They looked at all of the decorations and questioned One's cousin who was very creepy, was always in his room, smelled like that one sock under Four's bed, and mainly only talked in Alphabet Soup.

After that, they walked on the sidewalk until they found an Algebralien searching through her flower bushes.
"Hey, Fifteen," said Two. "Is anything wrong?"

Fifteen turned around. "Hi, Two! Yes, there is something wrong. I was walking home from Golf Ball's Tools And Stuff, and I realized something! My new gardening shears are missing! They must have cut a hole in the bag!"

"Can we help you find them?" X asked Fifteen.

"Of course," Fifteen replied.

Two and X walked down the sidewalk until they saw a pair of gardening shears.

Two picked it up and returned it to Fifteen.

"Thank you!" they said. "You can come to my place anytime!" She opened the door to let them in, but then Two remembered.


"They helped me find my gardening shears!"

"Don't let them in, Mom! ESPECIALLY NOT TWO - AND NOT X EITHER!"

"But Five," said Ten. "What if they have caaaaaannndyyyyyyyyy?"

"No, Ten! We have candy HERE!"

"Well, maybe when they're not here," said Fifteen. "See you later. *Sigh* KIDS! DINNER TIME!"

Fifteen closed the door.

Two looked around. "I think that's enough helping for today. Let's return the photo album to Seven before it gets dark."


End of this part lol (@_@)
See you in the next one!

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