Return Of The Style

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X, Two, Six and Eight went to Seven's house.

Eight knocked on the door.

Thirteen was there.

"Hey, Thirteen," said Eight. "How's Seven doing? We were wondering if we could hang out with them today!"

"Oh, hello everyone!" said Thirteen. "I'm afraid Seven isn't home right now. He's... In the hospital."

Everyone was alarmed.

"What?! What happened?" said Two.

"Oh! My apologies! Let me clarify... Seven is in the hospital visiting his GRANDMA... She was rushed to intensive care yesterday evening."

"Oh, no..." said Eight. "I'm really sorry to hear that..."

"Do you know when they'll be back?" said Two.

"I'm not exactly sure... Maybe sometime in the afternoon. Sorry..."

"Would you mind if we checked back here later?" Eight asked her. "We're all worried about them."

"I don't mind at all. Please come by to visit. I think Seven would appreciate having some friends over. I'm happy to know that Seven has friends that care so much about them."

"Oh, it's nothing," said Two. "Friends...are supposed to be there for each other... Right, Six?"

"Y-Yeah, sure..."

"Anyways, we'll be back later," said Two. "See you, Thirteen!"

"Okay, see you!"

Thirteen went inside.

"Well, I guess we have to wait until they get back," said Eight. "Is there anything you guys wanna do until then?"

"I'm okay just hanging out and doing whatever," said Six.

"Then I vote somewhere indoors!" said Two. "It's way too hot today."

"Sure, maybe we can hang out at our house a little!" said Eight. "And then later when it cools down we can all go see the treehouse!"

"The treehouse? Okay." X said.

"Oh yeah! We should do that!" said Two. "Especially since Six is with us now, too."

"Our old treehouse, huh?" said Six. "I haven't been there in so long..."

"Yeah, we haven't yet either!" said Two. "We wanted to go see it yesterday, but it was too dark outside."

"How about you, X? What do you want to do today? You should call the shots!"

"I was thinking helping more objects and Algebraliens, and I want to go to the treehouse too!"

"Yep!" said Two. "Lead the way, X!"

X, Two, Six and Eight went to Three's house first.

"Hey, have you guys seen my idiot little sister, Three?" said Pi. "I gave her some money and sent them out on some errands this morning, but she hasn't come back yet. Knowing them... They probably just forgot... If you find her, could you check up on her? Tell them... Her sister... Is growing impatient..."

Pi swiped her brush all over the canvas.

X and friends left Three's house and ran down the sidewalk.

X, Two, Six and Eight then went to Nine's house.

Nine was in his room.

"I've been trying all day to beat this video game," they said, "but it's kicking my butt. *sigh* Why is it so hard to find something that I, Nine, am actually good at?"

Six looked at Nine.


♪ I got my own style!
And you ain't got no style. ♪"

"Be quiet, Six!" said Nine.

The friends left Nine's room.

After that, X and friends went to Cursed Four's house and claimed the seashell necklace.

Then X, Two, Six and Eight went to the Equation Playground.

Two and Eight's family were having a picnic.

"Aw, doggarnit! Two, your old Algebralien is such a fool!" said Two's dad. "We're at a beautiful picnic, but I forgot the most important ingredient... MEAT! Could you spare some time and get me some of the good ol' cheap stuff at the Unnamed Store? Here's some cash... Just talk to the meat man in the back... He'll hook you up!"

Two and Eight's dad gave X $20.00.

X gave meat to Two's dad.

"Thanks, champ! This is just what I was looking for! It'll make for some tasty hamburgers... You all should drop by later in the evening. You'll definitely want to try some of this deliciousness! But for now, go on and enjoy yourselves! The weather is great today!"

"Okay! Thanks, Dad!"

"I should be thanking you, champ!"

Two giggled.

X looked at the picnic basket. Green and purple. Nothing like Four's.

"Well, hello Algebraliens! Glad to see you're finally spending some quality time with me," said Two's mom. "Please, stay for a while. We're having the best weather today!"

Drear-Top was talking to Portable Music Player.

"Oh? Lollipop? I heard that her, Gelatin and Bubble are all in the same relationship! Isn't that cool?!"

"Yep. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go now. See you later, Drear-Top."

"Alright! See ya!"

She noticed X, Two, Six and Eight.

"Ah, it's you guys! I have some wonderful news! Today, at Unnamed Store, I got a lottery ticket, and as it turns out... *Drear-Top lowered her voice* I won the lottery! You have been so gracious to me... Please take this as a token of my appreciation."

Drear-Top gave X $22!

"See? I told you I'd pay you back! *A-hyeck! A-hyeck!*"

X and friends went to the lake area.

X fed the orange cat.

He got an arcade piece!


To Be Continued...

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