Silhouettes and Dreams

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Welcome to White Space.
You've been living here for as long as you can remember.

(X's Omori is called Silhow. Basically "Silhouette" but take off the "ette" and replace the "u" with a "w". It's pronounced like the first part of silhouette.)

Silhow did the usual. He checked his laptop, his notebook, wiped his face with tissues, and looked at the kitten on the floor.

He also noticed that the Four-shaped light was shining brighter than usual.

Silhow left White Space and went into the next room.

Six, Two, and Eight were there.

"Silhow! You're back!" said Six.

"Yep! Silhow's always here when we need him!" said Two.


"Come on, everybody," said Eight. "We have got to find Seven."

"You two go find them," said Six. "Me and Silhow are going to have an adventure! Just the two of us!"

"No, Six," said Eight. "We HAVE to find Seven together."

"Fine..." said Six.

The group left the room and headed towards the Equation Playground.

Once they got there, all of them had a picnic with Four.


"What is it?"

"Why did you split my show?"



Think, think, think!!!

"Because I... Thought hosting a game show would be fun!"

"Guys, could you please calm down? I'm trying to relax with Silhow -"


"Yeah! Don't argue with me, Four, I'm trying to relax -"


"Stop screeching. You're bothering Silhow."

Eight said the magic words and Four shut his mouth.

Cue picnic end

After that, Silhow and his friends headed to the train station.

Everyone got on the train.

There were many "Just Like Sevens" in the seats, but none of them were Seven.


All of a sudden...

The train started shaking.

The others on the train chattered louder.

About home.

Then the lights went out.

Silhow and his friends ran through the train, trying to figure out what happened.

They ran from the front to back and ran back to the front.

Then they ran into...

A hand with an eye showing.

"Oh no," said Silhow.

He knew what was going to happen.

Everyone was scared except for Silhow.

But they were at least brave enough to fight the thing.

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