Silhow Finds Out His Value

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Silhow and friends ran through the Equation Playground.

Him and the others boarded Spongy.

All the way to the spider forest.

A hole.

Back to the Teardrop home.


A joke.

"Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself?"

"It was two tired!"

"HEY!" said Two.

The joke was written down.

Sleeping device.

Silhow looked in the picnic basket.

Later, using blackmail. (For a certain TD.)

A Flower bust.


Going back to the forest where the Equation Playground is thanks to Spongy.

Nvm going to Otherworld.

More exploring.

Going to the barn.

The door is locked.

Running from more fights.

Back to the forest with Spongy.

The Equation Playground.


Helping someone...

Smashing a hole in the wall.

Jam packets.

The help of someone older.

Eight tries to tell jokes, then commits bicycle joke.

Two became SAD.

"Nobody likes me," said Two.

Silhow hugged Two.

"I like you," said Silhow.


Cheese joke. 🧀

The water leaf fucking sobbed.

Eight told the construction joke.

The water leaf laughed.

Yay cheered em up

The LOL sword.


Looking in the basket.

Eight tagged Silhow.

Looking in the basket again.

Going places.

Spiders... Cats...


Later... The dungeon in the castle.

Cue backstory of a guy Flower dumped.

Running from fights.

Keeper of the castle is interested in Silhow.

Looking around...

Running from fights.



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