A talk with Two...and Four?

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While Announcer argued with the pastor saying that he couldn't fix the stained glass due to Budget Cuts™, Two and X went out the back door of the church, where the graveyard was.

They were met by a not-so smart cookie (aka Sugar Cookie).

"Hey, you two," he said. "And I'm not just talking to the green Two. I... I can feel something odd here. The spirits, oh... They are... Something's... There's something that's wrong. Oh... Be careful..."

Two whispered to X.
"This guy's crazy."

"I'm serious! I sense the worry of a blue Algebralien."

"A blue Algebralien?"

X soon realized who Sugar Cookie was talking about.

Two and X went over to Four's gravestone.

They sat down on the picnic blanket near it.

"X? Remember when I said that I had something to tell you?"

"What is it?"


It's about me and Eight. You know, after what happened with Four."

"Tell me..."

"Okay. When Four...passed away... It had a big effect on Eight. He... He locked himself in our room. Eight would rarely eat or drink, they barely talked to anyone. Yeah, it was unhealthy for them, and I knew that. He did this for a year. A YEAR. One day, I tried to talk to him, see what was wrong, get them to stop. But he lashed out at me. He was really upset. Our parents came in, but only comforted him. Mom and Dad didn't pay attention to me, even though I was crying too. Later, Eight comforted me. I'm sorry if I made you upset or uncomfortable."

Two reached over to pat X's head, but X pushed their hand away. X patted Two's head.

"Thanks..." said Two. He was crying.

"No problem, I just thought you deserved the pats."
X hugged Two and Two hugged him back.

Two remembered something. "Oh wait, there's something else I was gonna do. I left a photo at the Equation Playground and I want to go get it. I'll go get it and you can stay right here. I'll be right back."

Two then ran off, leaving X alone with Four.

R. I. P. Four

It was his time.

X sighed. "Well...
It's just me and you now, Four. I wish you could be here with me."

"I am right here."

"What? I recognize that voice..."

"Because you have heard that voice!"


"Hey, X! It's me!"

"Four! Is it really you?!"


"I miss spending time with you."

"So do I, X. But you aren't alone! You have Y and Two!"

"Yeah... I wish we could hang out more... It just isn't the same without you."

"Me too...me too. But I have to go."


"Your other friend is coming. Goodbye for now, X."


"Oh hey X!"

"Hey Four - I mean Two!"

"Still thinking about Four, huh? Don't worry X, they'll be fine! And so will you!"


"Now here's the picture I wanted to show you! I took it a long time ago!"

It was a picture of Six and X on one of the swingsets. They were looking at each other. X was partially looking towards the camera (at the time the photo was taken).

X looked at the back of the photo.

On the back of the photo was written:

Is that true, Six?
                          - Two

"You took this?" X asked.

"Yeah," Two replied. "You two were distracted and didn't even notice that I was there, so I took a picture of you. I was hiding in a bush and hid the photo. But before I left the photo, I wrote on it, and hoped Six would find it. I'm surprised they didn't even find it yet. Since I doubted she'd find it, I got it and showed it to you. What do you think?"

"I sort of noticed you. But as soon as we can 'get Six back', we should show her the photo."

"Yeah, I agree."

"We should see if we can get the album back."

"Sounds good."

The both of them run to Six's house. She has the photo album.

"*sniffle* This thing is a piece of junk that I don't need anymore! I have all the photos I NEED!"

Six threw the album in the trash and went inside their home sobbing.

Two retrieved the album from the trash.

"Great! Now we have the album!"

He flipped through the pages.

"Some of the photos are missing. I did hear Six saying she had all the photos she needed."

"Let's just get the album back to Seven."

"Yeah. Let's do that."

Probably need to get a refresher on Three Days Left.
To see what happens after the photo album is returned!
Also I got to hang out with Dad today! :)
See you next time!
Yay! 800 words!!!

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