You gotta go you gotta go

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"Look, Two!" said Silhow. "Six is right there!"

"Um, Silhow?"

"What is it?"

"I, uh, have to go to the bathroom."

"NOW you have to go? Why didn't you just go when we were NEAR THE BATHROOMS?!"



Cue montage of going ALL the way back down to the first floor because it has a bathroom.

Silhow and Two went into the bathroom. Silhow took a keyboard key out of the stall.

Then Two did his business.

Before they left, Silhow reminded Two to wash their hands. So he did just that.

going all the way back to Six's desk

Silhow looked at Two. "Please don't pull that again," he said.


Six was answering the phone.

"Hello? Please hold. Hello? Please hold. Hello? Please hold."

Silhow and Two went to the desk.

"SIX! We're here to break you out!"

"Dang it, Two. Go away! Can't you see I'm busy?"

"Snap out of it, Six! This isn't who you are!!"

"You know three people cancelled their meetings today? THREE PEOPLE?! I'm supposed to reschedule them, but I don't even know how that will work with all these useless events planned... Not to mention we have a fundraiser tonight! And of all things, it's a TOFU fundraiser! Who in their right mind would pay CLAMS for TOFU? I tried telling the boss so many times, but he wouldn't listen! This is a complete nightmare!"

"Okay... Six, I'm gonna need you to breathe," said Two.

"I'm breathing, Two. I'm breathing just fine!"

"Deep breaths, Six. Deep breaths... *inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale*.... You are not a secretary... *inhale, exhale* Seven is missing and we need to find him... *inhale, exhale*"

Six takes some deep breaths.

"Oh my goodness, how could I forget? We have to find Seven! Oh, Silhow... Is that you? You must be here to save me! I'm so happy!"

"WHAT ABOUT ME?" said Two.

"Silhow, you have to get me out of here!"

"We can just leave, Six. The exit is right there!"

"It's not that simple, Two... We signed CONTRACTS, remember?"

"Six... SIX! Where have you been? I've been trying to get a hold of you for the past 10 seconds... How's that rescheduling going?"

"S-sorry, Announcer, something came up."


"Dang it! You again, Two? I thought we sent you far, far away from here! Didn't I tell you not to leave your post?"

"Well, I came all the way back to personally tell you... that I quit! And I'm bringing Six with me!"

"Very funny. My office, Two. Now."

"I'll send them in right away," said Six.

"You too, Six." Announcer hung up.

"Dang it, Two! You're going to get me fired!"

"I know! Isn't it great?"

"*sigh*... Come on, let's go. Announcer's office is up this elevator."

Six joined the party again!

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