A Real Proposal (Loid x Yor)

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Third person POV

Loid groaned as he opened the door to his fake family's house. His body ached as he locked the door, the pain from the sounds getting to him.

"Loid-san! what happened?" Yor asked her bruised husband. "Oh nothing... I accidentally cut myself on a few of the things at work... " The blond sighed, hiding the pain. "Loid-san, your bleeding! Sit on the couch and wait for me I'm getting the med kit". The male was shocked by his wife's actions, her words sounding so worried and pure. "Oh... Sure thank you Yor-san.. " He gave a slight smile that was barely visible due to the dim light in the hallway. "My pleasure" She replied.

The spy sat down on the couch while the assassin rushed in with the bandages.

'She's worried about me... She's cute when she worries'

Loid thought while he looked at his visible worried wife, he's glad Anya's asleep because the couple have barely had some time alone.

"Loid-san, it's done" Yor spoke up sweetly after she finished applying ointment to the wounds as the Spy quickly fixed himself.

A silence spread through the room for a few seconds until Yor broke it.

"Loid-san, please rest tonight, you shouldn't be feeling any pain, oh! And please be gentle and take care of yourself, I'll be going to my room"

Your said her goodbyes and left. Loud was left in the living room alone as he stared at his wounds.

'That woman..'

His thoughts replayed Yor's words that contains her worry and concern.

The spy quickly caught up with himself and cut off his thoughts.

'Twilight what are you thinking.'

Loid woke up at 5am to get Anya ready for school. The blond barely got any sleep last night, all he could think of was what happened last night with Yor, it felt like something was missing between him, Her, and Anya.

He just shook it off and started to make breakfast. "Good morning Loid-san" Yor said as the yawned. "Good morning to you too Yor" Loid said as he set down the plates full of breakfast.

"Good morning papa!, good morning mama!" The sweet child said as the cutely skipped out of her room. "Good morning" Loid said. "Good morning to you too Miss Anya, your in a good mood today, may I ask why?" Yor asked as she bit her food. "Oh nothing I'm just in a good mood today!" Anya said as she gave both her parents a kiss on the cheek. Little did the fake couple know the little girl was awake last night, saw and heard every single bit of it.

Later in the afternoon..

"42?" Anya asked her father, it was 5pm so it was their study time. "very good Anya! You've been having good grades this month me and haha are so proud of you" Loid exclaimed. "Heh, thank you chichi!" The sweet girl smiled. After a few minutes She got bored and decided to ask her father if the three could go and hang out for a while. "Chichi?" The girl asked her father as he hummed I'm response. "Can Anya, Chichi and haha go to the mall today? Anya has been very good lately :)" Anya smiled. 'I don't have anything to do anyway... Sure' the spy thought to himself. "Sure, can you was up your mama first?" Loid told her. "Oki" Anya said as she hopped happily towards her mother's bedroom. "Haha, let's go to the mall todayyyyy!" The pink haired sweet heart said as she jumped on Yor's bed. "Ok let's go then"Yor said then they got ready and walked to the mall. "Oh! Look! A unicorn plushy!" Anya pointed to the toy store. "Chichi, haha can we buy the unicorn?" Anya asked her parents with a pout. The spy's mind was not on her though, he was looking into the jewlery store and saw a beautiful ring for his lady. "Huh, oh sure! I saw something I thought I could get you two go and buy it I'll do something!" Loid said as the two agreed and made their way to the toy store.

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