!Not an Update¡ A/N

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Hi guys, so i started reading books and stuff about may this year. But i have always love writing. And i ahve proof!

This on was an assignment for my English and we had to write a story.

Its cringe reading it now, but i never posted these i just showed them to my friends and stuff

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Its cringe reading it now, but i never posted these i just showed them to my friends and stuff.

But this story was actually inspired by the song "Killer Queen" by "Mad tsai" so its pretty recent but before i got "Decent" at writing so its cringe.


HIS ONE oh i tell you when i loved the idea of this. I LOVED IT.

I got the idea from Mad Tsai's song "Killer queen" also this is rlly cringe but i need to expose myself. I pretended taht people waited for the next update 💀 yes im cringe.

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Is that it? Hahaha.


There's more cringe.

I have one more very long one but im still trying to find it.

So heres one i made in April? Or may?

So heres one i made in April? Or may?

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Heh. Yeah theres more so stay tuned for that also i have no motivation to write so sorry i wont be making one-shots for a while.

Also rate them.

Killer Queen: ??/10
The magic world: ??/10
Dandelions: ??/10

Oki bye lovelies!!!!! <3

Spy x Family One-Shots Where stories live. Discover now