Fever (Loid x Yor)

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So, I'm sorry for not updating. Me and my family have been going out a lot so I don't have time to update, sorry. We're going out today too, But here is a new chapter!

Also pretend Yor is good at cooking in this au 😚.
Third person POV

It was about 5pm Loid was just sitting on the couch while Anya was watching spy wars and Yor was taking a nap. Loid hasn't been feeling well lately so he decided to chill at home for a while. "Chi chi are you ok? You seem sad..." Anya asked her father. "Hmp? No I'm ok, don't worry" Loid smiled.

Third person POV

It was 2:45pm Loid and Yor where just at home since they haven't gotten any missions and Anya was at school. Loid suddenly started coughing very loudly. "Loid-san we you alright?" His wife asked in concern. "I'm ok, just coughs" Loid said while Yor got him some water. "Loid are you ok? You've been acting strange recently" Yor said then touched his forehead feeling how hot he was. "Holy- Loid your burning? What got you like this?" Yor said then stood up. "Oh, it's nothing probably just from work..." Loid said, knowing it was from his last mission probably. "Stay there" Yor said then left the room. Then she came running back with a wet towel in her hands and dabbed it on Loid, due to his temperature. 'Aww she's worried that's cute...' Loid thought, even though it was a fake marriage and family sometimes it was just too real.

"Chichi, haha, Anya's home!" The two adults heard their, child walk up to them. "Oh~ Chichi and Haha are flirting!" Anya smiled. "We're not!" The two adults screamed. "Haha was just helping me, your father is sick I was helping him" The two said in unison. "Why is Chichi sick?" Anya asked. "From his patients at work but he'll get better soon" Yor stood up to cook something. "Anya come here let me help you with your uniform" Yor said. After helping Anya Yor stood up and started getting the ingredients in the kitchen. "I'm gonna make some dinner, and some soup for you Loud, both of you get rest." The woman said kindly. Anya opened the tv in search for the next episode of spy wars and Loid went to his room.

A while later the food finished and You was about to call Anya. "Anya-san time to eat!" Your said. "What a bout chicui?" Anya asked. "I'll bring him food, do you wanna come with me?" Your asked. "Ok!" Anya smiled. "Be careful" She reminded. "Here you go Loid just tell me when your finished so I can wash the dishes" Yor and Anya smiled then walked back to the kitchen. It did feel weird that Loid wasn't at the table, but they had to deal with it.

After Anya finished she politely asked to go back to her room. It was about 8pm, She took her school bag and started today they, knowing her fathers condition he wouldn't be able to help her. "Anya-san it's time to sleep" Yor said slightly opening the door. "Ok haha, how is chichi?" Anya asked. "Hmp? Oh he's ok, still a bit hot but he's getting better" Said Yor. Then she kissed her daughter in the cheek and tucked her in.

After tucking Anya in she checked on Loid. "Oh hey Loid, how are you feeling?" She said then started to dab the towel again, until he saw something, Loid had a huge scar covering the side of his neck. "Wait, Loid when it you get this scar? It's huge! Does it hurt, it still looks very red" Yor asked worried. "Uhm, maybe at work yesterday or this week?" Loid said unsure. Yor walked out and grabbed the first aid kit, and started heeling Loid. "It's fine Yor I can do it" Loid said but Yor didn't listen, he had many wounds on on his hand, neck, leg and stomach. "It's fine, I'm used to dressing wounds after all, my brother and I were clutz" Yor giggled. "Done, goodnight Loid" Yor accidentally kissed him in the cheek. "Op! I'm sorry Loid it's was an accident!" Yor stuttered making Loid chuckled. "It's ok Yor I don't mind" He giggled. "Oh.... Ok then, goodnight" Yor smiled in relief.

Somehow the two got themselves in a little cuddle and spooned for the rest of the night. How they wish Anya won't wake up.

Yes, I said I'll give damianya but this was in my drafts and I just posted it cause I have no time to write later, maybe when I get home but we'll see.

Thx for reading Love yall!

Word count: 800


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