Mother and Daughter bonding (Yor and Anya)

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I cant post part 2 YET

I haven't finished it ok?

And i haven't posted in 3 days. 

So i will give you 3 one-shots today.

Late im sorry. But let's start. 


Third person POV

"Chichi! Haha! Anya's home" The pink haired girl skipped in the room. "Oh! Hello there Anya-san! Your father is gonna come home late he's busy" Yor said and took the little girls backpack. "Oki What's for dinner?" Anya asked curiously. "Anya! You know I can't cook! Do you wanna go out?" Yor said and Anya giggled and nodded in agreement. Anya wore a cute yellow dress and Yor wore a tight red spaghetti strap dress that ended on her knees.

Soon they were at the restaurant and ordering their food. "Oh~ yummy" Anya said looking at the kids menu. "What do you want miss Anya?" Yor asked closing her menu. "I want the spaghetti!" Anya said in a cute voice. "Ok then just wait" Yor giggled. "What is your order ladies?" The waiter asked. "A pasta and the steak with salad please?" Yor said. "Ok your order will come soon" The waiter said leaving the table.

At home...

"Haha! Can you play with me?" Pouted the little girl. 'Well I don't have anything else to do..' Yor thought. "Ok then what should we do?" Yor asked her little girl. "You have the robot! And I'll have the penguin! Now let's go to Anya's room!" Anya sprinted to her room making Yor giggle.

"That was fun!" Anya said putting her toys away. "Anya I'm gonna get ready for bed ok?" Yor said. "Can I come?" Anya asked. "Sure" Yor said gently holding her daughters hand.

"Oh~ Haha what's that?" Anya asked pointing to the hair curler. "Oh, that's my hair curler I barely use it" Yor giggled washing her face. "Oh~ Can you try it in me please!" Anya begged. "Ok then come here" Yor smiled and sat her daughter on a chair. "Sit still ok? The curler is hot" Yor warned her daughter and she nodded.

After Yor finished her hair....

"Awww! You look so cute!" Yor told her daughter. "Wow! Anya loves it!" Anya jumped around and Yor giggled at the pink haired girls cuteness.

'Sometimes I forget this family is fake' Yor thought to herself.

"Haha, you should try it!" Anya squealed and jumped happily thinking of her little idea. Yor sit still for a moment. "Please!" Anya begged her mother. "Ok then you sit over there ok?" Yor said and Anya Nodded.

Soon after the little girl was jumping in her mother's arms happy. "Haha we look so cute!" Anya squealed. "Let's take a picture!" Anya said. "Ok where's my phone?" Yor asked.

"Heh." Anya said holding up her mothers phone.

"Oh there it is- Wait what?" Yor asked looking at her screen. "I sent a picture to chichi!" Anya giggled. 'Good thing chichi is just talking to scruffy head right now or else I would have interrupted him!' The girl thought. "How did you unlock it?" Yor asked. "I used your mirror reflection Hehe hehehe" Anya smirked. "You smart peanut" Yor picked her up and the both giggled.


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"I'm home!" Loid said locking the door.  "Chichi! Did you see the picture?" Anya asked running to her father. "Huh? What picture?" Loid asked. "I sent you a picture thru haha's phone!" Anya said. "What do you mean it's not here?" Loid asked. "Haha! Did you delete it?" Anya ran to her mother and pouted and Yor giggled. Anya suddenly took her phone. "Hey!" Yor said. "This one!" Anya showed her father. "Aww you two look cute" Loid said making Yor blush. "You smart little peanut!" Loid said picking her up and walked towards Yor. "Oh! Haha is sleeping!" Anya whispered. "Oh she sleeps quickly Loid said picking her up. "Chichi? Can we all sleep together?" Anya asked. "No! Not today!" Loid pressed her nose. "Please! I promise I'll get good grades tomorrow!" Anya begged. "Fine" Loid said picking Yor up bridal style and Anya climbing on top. Anya set both on the bed and closed the lights. 'How do they sleep so quickly?' Loid asked to himself looking at his two sleeping girls.

"Good night" Loid said kissing both on the check.

Sorry this one and the two after are all rushes.

1/3 For tonight

Word count: 741

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