I Want A Baby Brother! (hehe.)

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This is not the one I said in the last chapter they is just random, cause I'm going out tomorrow and I have no time to write.

Third Person POV

"Ohayō Anya-san!" Becky greeted her friend. "Ohayō!" She smiled back. "Thanks for spending time with me yesterday" Becky mentioned. "My pleasure, Oh! Look it's Damian-sama!" Anya pointed towards the boy and his friends. "Hello Damian-sama!" Anya waved. "Ugh, what do you want short legs?" Damian sighed at her. "Hey! Be nice she just said hello!" Becky said. "And?" Damian rolled his eyes. "Aww, rude" Anya pouted making Damian blush. 'Uh why is she so cute?' Damian thought. "Anya-san cute?" Anya asked bating her eyes innocently. "What! No!" Damian said. 'My goal is to be number 1! I can't let her get it my way! I need to be like my brother!' Damian thought, Anya got curious why he wanted still be like his brother. "Damian why do you want more stella's?" She asked him. "So I can prove I'm better than you." Damian said. 'So I can be loved by my brother' Damian added in his thoughts.


The Bell Rang.

"Bye-bye Damian see you in class!" Anya waved goodbye and left to class with her best friend. 'Wait. Brother? Hmp.... Wonder what it feels like to have a sibling....' Anya thought. "Anya! Focus!" Her teacher snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Chichi! Haha! I'm home!" Anya said coming into their sweet little home. "Oh! Your home!" Yor said. "Hi haha where's chichi?" Anya asked curiously. "Oh he's at work, he said that he'll come home late. Now come here I'll get you out of your uniform" Yor smiled while Anya jumped into her lap making her giggle. "Haha?" Anya asked all of a sudden. "Yes?" Yor asked. "What is it like to have uncle as a little brother?" Anya asked. "Oh, it's great, I love him very much." Yor smiled at her daughter the pink haired girl think.

'Hmm, I wonder how it would be if I had a little brother...'

The next day...

"Chi chi! haha!" Anya ran into her home. "Yes Anya?" Loud asked on the couch. "I got another stella!" Anya smiled brightly and put her hands on her hips. "Really? Wow! Good job Anya!" Yor congratulated her. "Congrats! You wanna talk about it while having dinner?" Loud asked picking her up and she nodded.

"Wow that's great Anya, me and your father are very proud of you" Yor felt so proud. "Do you want anything as a reward?" Loid asked. "Hmmm..." Anya thought. The didn't know what she wanted. But she wanted it to be permanent. A toy? Another pet? There was a bit of silence. Until the perfect Idea popped up in her head. A brother.

"Anya wants a baby brother!" Anya jumped from her seat making he rather spit his tea and her mother choke on her food. "Pardon me." Yor drank some water. "Anya... What?" Loid asked. "Why? I want a brother?" Anya asked clueless. "Who taught you that?" Yor asked. "No one. I want a brother! Just like you and uncle! And Sy-on boy and his brother! I want a sibling" Silence. Silence echoed the room. Until Loid spoke up. "A-anya. That's a bit complicated. Do you want another pet? Or a toy?" Loid asked. Trying to think. "No. I want a brother." Anya said. "Anya, the process is hard ok? We can go on a family outing!" Loid said. The word 'Process' made Yor blush. "No. If Anya gets a brother I will try my very very very best on all my exams!" Anya said. "Nope. Your going to bed." Lid picked her up. Dressed her, then put her to bed.

"Please?" Anya gave him an Innocent face with batting her eyes.

"We'll try." Loid said making your blush.

Don't be shy give her  a brother. I won't be posting for a  while. Sorry.

Word count: 669


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