Fan's Pick

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Author's Note: This story is based on the results of the STRIS FAN FIC IDEA POLL, created by yours truly on June 11,2022. The Twitter poll was opened for 24hrs and it was meant to gather ideas as to what the fans wanted to read in the next fan fic on the SWAT couple. The results showed that: the preferred mood of the fic was full romance, the situation of the couple was canon, a character that ABSOLUTELY had to make an appearance was Uncle Sarzo or Aunt Helena, the plot had to include kissing and cuddling, the fic had to feature Street's bike, must be over 2k words, the plot had to focus on a real life issue and it had to end with a cute or sexy scene.

Well, here is my attempt at soothing their thirst for more Stris! Let me now if you think I achieved it! Comments and votes are always appreciated! Thanks for the support everyone!



Hola, amor! 😍 U off work tomorrow?

Hey, babe! 😘
Yup, gonna relax and chill. Why?

Not anymore. Go with me to the rally tomorrow

Protesting what?

Roe vs Wade


c'mon, Street 😫 it's important for me

It's been hectic at work


Can't the ladies in the safe house go with you?

I'm not in a relationship with them...🙄

C'mon, Chris! Don't get like that...I don't wanna get involved

Y 🤔

Idk if it's my place🤷‍♂️

y is that? coz u think it's a chick thing? 😤

I didn't say that, and relax. I dont wanna argue

Takes 2 to argue😠

You pissed?

Ok, I'm sorry 😞

Chris? 😘


Yup, she is pissed. The blue check marks might just mean a bad time to ask her out for dinner, right? Man, she can get so hyped up over the smallest thing. Geez! I don't know much about the topic, anyway. I mean, yeah the issue is real, but c'mon! The whole thing about controlling women's rights, their bodies, has been going on forever. A march isn't gonna do anything. Besides, government is always coming up with bogus laws and stuff, they'll probably counteract with something in the near future. So, what's the big deal? Nothing for me to do there, anyway. I don't know. I'll get her some food after the shift. Food always helps!

"Alright, y'all. Have a good one!" Hondo said as he left the locker room. The team had just finished the paperwork on their case, one which they had been following for weeks. Finally, they could close the case and move on!

"Yo, Street. You doing anything tomorrow? Me and a couple of buddies are going to play some paintball at the new spot. One of the guys came down with Covid, so we need a player, what do you say, bud?" Luca said approaching Jim, who was still changing clothes.

"Sounds great." he paused, "Chris wanted to do something, but I'm hoping she can get somebody else to go with her. What time I gotta be there?"

"Around 9." Luca answered slowly, frowning at him

"You sure about skipping Chris? She ok with it?" Tan interrupted, curious. He had been quiet all along, eyes glued to his phone.

Street frowned surprised, as he grinned. "What are you saying, Tan? I can't do anything if it's not with her? C'mon, bro!" Street finished annoyed, rolling his eyes.

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