New job, old Chris (after 5x22)

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Hey babe! How's the moving going?

Hey ❤️ Going ok, just very slow. Taking things easy.

Are the girls helping u out?

No. Thomas and some of his guys are emptying out the apart later

U're not moving any furniture now?

Told you I wasn't...I still have time to figure out what to do with the big stuff

Oh, wish I could help u out

Don't worry, there's a mess of things to do...that u will do!
So, we'll take it slow for now 🤣

Yeah, I know my back's gonna be screwed!

What u doin?

Filling out a bunch of forms. A couple of the ladies are working on immigration issues and others are trying to get in the GED review night classes.

Slow day at work?

Yeah...stuck in armory duty

What the hell did u do?


* > ||||||||||| 3:00 audio *

Jim, what is that: an audio or a podcast? 🤣 sh*t's waaaay too long! Can I get the recap? 😘

Aw c'mon! U know u dig me😁

Yeah, but I dont have all day to listen to an audio

Fine. It was just to say that it was either armory or work with recruits...I wasn't in the mood! Plus, I wouldn't be able to text my girl 😊


That's it? Just a heart?

Exactly what were u expecting?

Nothin...u wouldn't think working with bullets and weapons would get a guy going, but...nope! 🤣


So, um...about that first date

Should we stick with Paul's?

Ok, ok but... if u want we can do something else




I'm so bored

U gonna leave me talking?


I'm going to lunch

(3 hours later)

Sorry, had some business to take care of

Did u finish the forms?

Oh, yeah.. right before we had some guys break in

Wait! WHAT?!?😢
Are u ok? I'll be there in 5

Woah! Relax, Indiana Jones! No way you get here in 5 unless you're flying a jet, and trust me u'll hurt urself in that bike.

Chris, when were u going to tell me? Why didn't u call me? 😭

I just did
Coz I took care of it

Bae, u were in danger and u didnt even bother to tell me! 😢You know I got u

Street, relax. I took care of it. Everybody's fine

That's not the point. U can't be out there fighting bad guys anymore, Chris. It's dangerous🙄

Hold up! So, now that I'm not SWAT I need a knight in shinning armor?? Jim, u better check urself😡

C'mon, u know that's not what I meant😟

I'm worried u still have that mentality. U dont even have a service gun anymore!

I dont need it, Jim. I stand on my own! I did for 10 yrs in the toughest job in LAPD, didn'tI?
U think because I gave it up, now I'm soft?!?😤

I just...I worry bout u babe. Seriously 😢

I told u, I'm fine.

I can't see u every day, so I can't really say I have ur six anymore

Jim, relax. You will always have my six and I will always have urs...we dont have to be SWAT for that

😘 that was sweet

yeah, so stop being a dumb*ss and trust me

I knew the sweetness wasn't gonna last for long 🙄

😘 and u love me for that!

I do!
So, everything's under control there?

Yeah, just outside, giving my statement.

(4 hrs later)

Perps already processed. How r the ladies?

Pretty rattled, but ok. Thanks, amor. Those cameras and lights you set up really saved the day

Of course. Never imagined they'd keep my girl safe

Just told the guys what happened. Luca was all fired up. Hondo was like "That girl's SWAT for life". Deacon was surprised you didn't kill the bastards. They were from the Matadores gang.

Yeah, can't start my career here like that 🤣

What did the ladies think when you pinned down the guy who came in with an AR 15?

Just big, big hugs🤣

My girl's a badass!😍

I was 💩 my pants, so...not so badass. It's not that easy without my service gun

Gonna have to get a permit...I feel naked

Kinda like the other night with me? 😈

Lol...yeah, but worse coz the pain aint the same

Sorry bout that...(not really! 👀)

R u bruised up, though?

Nah, I signed off to skip medical assistance. I need to finish the paperwork, moving and all of that. Plus, I think we might be getting newcomers tonight

A lot work, huh? U should get checked out either way, hon, u might have gotten seriously hurt 😢

Nah, I'll be ok

U sure?

Did u get that emergency response certification? 😏

Hmmm...yes, ma'am.

Then, I might just need to get a medic

😈 u know the latex I'll use!

See you tonight! 😘

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