'Tis the season 🎅

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Hurry up and get your costume already

                                - You can't hurry up perfection🙃

Get over urself!🙄

                               - You love me, remember? Have patience!

                              - The kids will love it. Trust me!🤞

Hurry up!🥱

One hour! Only an hour before the biggest Christmas party in the block: Christmas Tree Lighting 2023. But...you couldn't tell since Officer Jim Street was still -still!- choosing Santa Claus costumes in a store miles away! He had already returned two, either too tight or not convincing enough. He had to have the absolute perfect costume!

The store clerk was having a blast, laughing at his jokes and taking care of the skinny Santa look-a-like. As a matter of fact, ever since he came in with his request, most of the workers have stayed close to the case. Collaboration was hidden behind the excitement and giggles of the young men and women attending his requests. It came to a point where even the other customers were intrigued by the mission!

"Everything ok, SWAT Santa?" the young lady clerk asked with a shy smile.

Street extended his hand to receive the big black belt she brought to the changing rooms hall and smiled. "It's my girlfriend. I told her, you can't rush perfection! Am I right?"

His charisma had won over the hearts of everyone in the store, bringing them together to watch him try out his third costume. "Of course!" the manager called from behind the changing station counter.

"Thank you!" he said with a confident nod of the head.

"You want me to get you the wig now?"

Jim slipped on the fake white beard and mustache, staring attentively at his reflection in the mirror. Then, he carefully put on the white haired wig. He placed both hands under his inflated belly, and let out a loud "Ho, ho, ho!"

The small crowd gathered behind him -consisting of everyone in the store- smiled and giggled softly.

"Way to go, Santa!" cheered an older gentlemen who had come in right when Street was trying out costume number three. 

"Looking good, Santa!" another customer cheered.

 "Need a couple extra pounds, though!" the manager called, an older thick woman. She looked around the counter, grabbed a pillow and handed it to him. "Here! Tuck it under the belly!" 

"Ok" the young officer responded, excitedly. 

He grabbed the pillow and smudged it between his abdomen and the fake belly of the costume. After letting out another 'ho, ho, ho', the crowd cheered and giggled. He sure had everyone thrilled!

While Street took a victory walk around the store, waving good bye and repeating the iconic phrase, a car parked just outside of the front door of the next door establishment.

The black SUV made a screeching halt in front of the convenient store, where two owners of Indian descent were stocking up and attending customers as usual. Without realizing the cheering party going next door, three masked figures exited the vehicle rapidly, with hands inside of their jackets and pants pockets.

The only working security camera in that entire block was situated in front of the party shop, tilted towards its entry. This meant nobody in the store really had a clue of what was about to happen right next door!

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