What if we're not perfect?

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Disclaimer: may not be suitable for younger audiences. Reader discretion is advised.


After such a long week, they needed a break.

Chris had been overwhelmed with three new cases. Between running around for supplies, setting everything up in the house, paperwork, psych support, therapy, and everything in between, she was exhausted! However, it was all worth it when she got that big bear hug from the mother and her two kids. They had ran away from a place owned by a man who promised freedom and the American Dream, but instead abused them and made them work 16 to 20 hours a day. The ran away and by the time Chris spotted them eating out of a dumpster, they were skin and bones. Mauricia and her little Juanito and Marcelina now had full bellies, toys and a counselor that started the paperwork for a visa. They were safe, which was the only thing that mattered to Chris.

In the short stint she has had so far, it's been case after case after case. She often wondered how Mama Pina managed everything! She was the first one up and the last one to go to sleep, maybe resting her eyes for 4 or 5 hours. Her brain, though, continued on like a hamster on a wheel!

It was all worth it. Not all cases were successful, but at least she felt like she was making a true impact. She did miss her old job at times, but the intensity and the amount of pressure of her current lifestyle kept her busy enough!

Her biggest trouble? Jim. James. Long Beach. She couldn't settle on a pet name yet, so at times she just resorted to Street. She felt sorry because ever since her departure was made official, her life has been non stop. She hardly has time to hang out with him. Yeah, his texts are adorable, and video conferencing is always good, but...nothing like that night in his place! Wow! A night to remember! She could still feel the walls tremble, the perfect touch of his hands running up her leg, his soft kisses on her neck and shoulders...and yeah, how embarrassing it was to face Luca! Oh God!

Truth is, with everything going on, even the nights they had spent together they were exhausted. By the time they were ready to go, it wasn't even one fourth of that faithful night. More like a sprinkle and...zzzz...

But... tonight, she called it! She had marked her calendar. She was ready for an encore! Tonight was the night for sure!

During the morning, they texted back and forth, planning the perfect outing. They were bummed Paul's Chophouse had closed, but excited for the new burger joint everyone was raving about. So, in an effort to put a stop to so much work and rekindle the passion of that night, they planned an outing that was meant to start off with burgers and end up under the covers. Sweating.

Riviera Bistro, 30 minutes from her place

She arrived wearing her favorite red blazer, over a white shirt and comfy dark jeans. Of course she wore his bracelet, the one she *kinda* borrowed. She found it the morning after that night, when they got dressed in a hurry, just before running into Luca. Street didn't seem to mind since he hadn't requested it back, so...it was hers now!

"Good evening, ma'am!" said the hostess, opening the front door.

"Hi! Table for two. James Street." Chris said, placing both hands inside of her pockets.

The  young man nodded and checked the big black book by the podium, besides the small desk. He looked...and looked...and looked...

"I'm sorry. There's no reservation here by that name." he said looking up.

He forgot! she lamented, shaking her head slowly. She clearly remembered his last text: Don't worry. I'll make the reservation.

But...she was such in a good mood, nothing could ruin the night! Instead of making a big fuss, she calmly took a deep breath.

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