Old vs New: BF edition (2x15)

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Disclaimer: Some foul language and scenes are present. May not be suitable for younger readers!


It was nearly 9pm when Street made his way to his bike. He was finally heading home, after a long day's work. However, something haunted him. She. Her words tattooed on his brain: "He's the reason why I don't date cops."

They stung...hard! Really deep in him! He wasn't sure what hurt him more, the fact that she was so cold to shut him out even though she clearly wanted him or that he was so selfish to want her to forget everything and just give him a chance.

He couldn't really imagined how life was like for a female officer, especially someone like her. With a million tons on her shoulders, she must feel like she has to be perfect. How can someone carry that much weight 24/7? How can anyone be perfect all the time? How did she do it...while being so beautiful, and hot, and sexy and..?

He snapped back to reality as he heard the car hunk behind him, the driver signaling for him to make his way through. He hadn't noticed he was in the middle of the lane!

Riding at night was a therapy for him. Feeling the breeze against his helmet, the warmth of his jacket, the heat from the neighboring cars' engines near him...everything was soothing for him. It was one of the rarest instances that he actually felt complete control over. Just as he was rounding up the corner of Phila Avenue and 43rd street, he halted as he recognized the voice of the pedestrian in the sidewalk.

That jerk made bail? Must have one hell of a lawyer because the charges were pretty serious, including double digits sentencing ones. Lucky guy! Keep going Thompson, you'll get yours!

Street sat up, and stared down at the officer, as he crossed the intersection with four other suits. The man laughed casually, enjoying an inner joke, oblivious to the crimes he committed.

Wait til I hit the weights and start on my workout program. You wont be able to intimidate me or anyone else. If you're not sent to prison for life, I'll make sure you don't get anywhere near Chris... ever!

"Piece of crap!" he whispered under the helmet, as the officer continued, out of his sight. Street despised him with all his being, for he is the main reason he figured it will probably take months if not years for he to have a proper shot at being with her. He feared that it would even have to take life threatening situations...maybe having to do with that letter in his locker. However, he had his mind set. Slowly but steady he would hit the gym and at the same time get closer and closer to her, break her shell until he could finally hold her hand. He didn't care about rules or SWAT, he was determined to be with her...no matter how much time and effort he had to invest!

3 years later...

Hicks had excused him all morning for he was called by the prosecution to testify on the case against one of the wealthiest men in East LA. Street was part of the heist that captured thousands of dollars worth of machines in the man's basement, where he completed the massive money laundering operation connected with identity theft cases and cyber crimes. Since he was the one who discovered the equipment, he was called to describe the scene and give his testimony on what he found. The prosecutor wouldn't have called if the defense wasn't arguing tampering.

With his badge he was able to park in the reserved law enforcement spaces, thus avoiding most of the traffic heading to the main entrance of the multi floor parking lot. As usual, he turned off his alarm this morning and spent some minutes caressing his favorite sleep companion, who was lucky enough to work late in the afternoon. After realizing he was probably going to be late, he sped his way towards the county courthouse and made it just in time to be called in.

"Officer Street, please come this way." called the bailiff as Street made his way through the corridor into the appointed courtroom.

"Thank you." he said following the guard

He completed his duty and could finally get some lunch. Three hours of court case could make anyone's ribs vibrate! First thing's first: tie off! He hated wearing a tie. If it was up to him he would've come with his uniform long shirt, but the prosecutor insisted. He made his way down the stairs towards the back door to the parking lot.

As he was placing his helmet on, he felt his cellphone vibrating. He took out the mobile and stared at her sweet message, not realized he wasn't alone in the parking space.

"I know you!" called a voice a couple of feet away

Street was startled as he almost jumped off his bike. The man's voice was terribly familiar, but Street couldn't recognize him. Through the visor it was tough to make out.

Both men stared at each other for some odd seconds, an awkward silence surrounding them. Street was still sitting on his bike, as the man was now standing defiantly right next to him, at the side of the vehicle.

"You don't recognize me, do you, Officer Street?" he asked sternly

Street placed both hands on his helmet as he removed it slowly. Now, dark memories came to his mind, remembering the jerk in front of him.

The man took a step forward, "You stared down hard at me...as if I had killed yo momma! Maybe...just maybe...coz you was impressed by my talent." the man began slowly, moving closer and closer. "Impressed that I had her..all for me!"

"What the hell are you talking about, Thompson?" Street said. He paused to get off his bike. "Shouldn't you be in jail, like all criminals?"

The man let out an evil high pitched laugh, as Street clinched his fist tightly. "You would love that, wouldn't you? Nothing a sweet deal couldn't beat."

Now both men stood face to face, Street passing the man by an inch or two. Both sported wide shoulders, button shirts hiding a puffing chest and very tightly closed fists. The scene resembled that of a weigh in of two heavy weights... on their way to a nationally televised boxing match!

"You bang her yet?" the man asked with a sinister tone, sporting a wide grin.

Street breathed quickly as his nostrils let out hot air and his heart raced a thousand beats per second. He knew the guy was trying to get under his skin, but he had to be the better man.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Typical of her to spread her legs to a cop!" Thompson said rudely


...and the fireworks started!

Street landed a left hook on the man's nose, as the other counteracted with a hard punch to the ribs. Both men went at it hard, throwing punches, grabbing, kicking, biting...they swung each other from the wall, other vehicles...pushed each other onto the floor, high up in the air... Keys flew, helmet hit the floor, coins rolled, car sirens activated, blood spreading everywhere!

Any MMA recruiting officer would've signed either one right then and there!

After three minutes of intense fighting, one of the parking lot guards noticed what was going on and called it in. Four deputies and several officials rushed in to separate the men.

Several minutes later...holding cells' area...

"Chris?" he paused, "Yeah, hi! Um... can you pick me up? I can't drive, don't have my license" he paused, "Yeah, bring some money for bail, please... um...the courthouse in Arlington" he moved the receiver away from his ear as her screams filled the space

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