WOman's best friend

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Seven weeks have gone by since the day she made the decision. Her routine has now completely transformed. No more waking up to squats, weights, drills, tactics training, running, showdowns, etc. Her domestic-civil life was chaotic and irregular, for every day holds a brand new adventure. By this time she had learned every immigration office, lawyer, document and even service by memory in that part of LA. Her life didn't involve sergeants, commissioners or lieutenants anymore. Now it was more about officers, lawyers and social workers, with occasional rehabilitation agents, CFS and shrinks. It was a brand new life, and she...was still trying to get used to it.

Besides the lack of a steady routine, she was having a tough time adjusting to sedentary life. No workouts meant all that energy was placed on other aspects of her life. Her muscles screamed for exercise! Also, she was happy with Jim, but not working with him limited the opportunities to see him and spend time together.

The only bright spot was her morning runs...when she was able to make them! She would intend to get up early and run a few miles before the chaos of her day began. Some days the fear of leaving the ladies alone would haunt her with every step she took. Other days, the LA sun would hide and give way to heavy rain.

But...today she felt confident to go. The neighborhood was quiet, none of the ladies had imminent threat. She locked all doors and the window shades were pulled down completely. She stretched her legs and hamstrings wearing her favorite training shoes and running outfit.

She set up on foot, turning the corner. She continued down the street, then turned to another, then another, then another... She was deep into her thoughts as time continued to go by, mile after mile.

When she saw the convenience store she stopped, as she gasped, realizing she'd gone very very far. Her Fit marked 12.5 miles already as she tried catching her breath, hands on her hips. She looked around and took a deep breath to try to calm her lungs and stabilize her heart beat. Once that became evident, she began making her way back.



Just as the fit on her wrist marked the 20 mile mark, she was startled by the sound of a calling dog. She immediately went towards the canine, who had its leash stuck on a base board by the side of a dumpster area.

"Awww...you look so cute!" she said in between breaths

She completely forgot about her task and went to help the dog. It was a gray Shih Tzu with a white spot in the middle of its face and paws white colored. The poor thing was dirty, had blood stains and scratches and was crying desperately for help. The dog was definitely glad to see her, as it jumped all over her, licking her face in gratitude. She was able to untangle him, but found no tag, chip or anyway to identify the dog or its owner.

She then carried the canine to the street and looked everywhere. She found no movement in any of the houses, as if people weren't even awake. She had taken that route before but never had she seen this dog, which was weird because she would've been able to identify it.

With no clear owner, she decided to take the dog home, give it a wash and some food. She would contact the shelter for any missing dog report and go around the neighborhood asking about the dog's owner later.

She finished her workout by taking the dog to the house. As the ladies were waking up and some made breakfast, she took the time to wash him. She even made a small place for it with old towels newspapers and a toy made out of a kitchen towel tied in a knot.


Hey, babe! 😘

Hey, amor! 😗 Guess what? I found a dog during my morning run

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