33 Candles

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Author's Note: If you like angst, like me, this is your bit for sure! Not for the weak hearted. Thanks for reading!



Hey Luca! Birthday surprise for Street. Ur place?

                                                                             Hey sis! Sounds great.

                                                                            What's the theme?

Uh...no clue

                                              Ok, I can get the  guys to bring stuff to eat, beer too

Tell everyone to bring one candle...any form!

                                             Wait! That many people coming over? How old is Jim?

Don't worry...I'll figure it out

Dark and gloomy....rain had been falling pretty constantly the past days. Floods have been reported in several towns in the city and other adjacent bay areas. For the past two nights, shifts for 20 Squad have ended in muddy clothes, damp shoes and socks, and hungry officers, rushing  to get a bath. All the rain and the recent multiplicity of calls have made things harder on their bodies. 

Unfortunately, this particular night, Officer James Street was rushed to the hospital after being attacked by a perp who slashed his lower abdomen with a dagger. He was attended rather quickly, for the doctor prescribed some antibiotics and sent him home with a beautiful knot work of about 15 stitches starting from his back unto the inside of his right oblique.  


Street's phone rang inside of his pocket, as he laid uncomfortably in the passenger's seat of the gray Jeep. He tried not to move so much, grimacing with every motion. He was able to get his phone out, as the pharmacist dispensed his medication.

"Hey Luca!" he answered, painfully.

"Hey buddy! How are you?" Luca answered, cheerfully.

"I'm-" he paused to reposition himself in the seat."uh...ok."

"You got your pain meds? How many stitches you got?"

"On it now...about 15."

"Wow! Was it deep?" Luca asked concerned.

"No...didn't get organs, but it's gonna leave a nasty scar alright!" he said, trying to giggle. He couldn't! Every time he tried to breath deep or do any kind of movement, he grimaced.  

"Aw, man! I'm sorry, bro!"

"How about a birthday bash this weekend to cheer you up, Street?" Chris called from the driver's seat. She glanced at him with a smile, as they pulled away from the pick up window at the pharmacy.

"Oh, it's my birthday tomorrow...oh my God! I totally forgot!" Street said, surprised.

"Yeah, dude! Double 3!" Luca said, excitedly.

"Man! I'm getting old!" Street lamented, before trying to crack up. "Ow! Ow!" he complained.

"Easy! Easy!" Chris urged, placing a hand on his thigh.

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