Big Baby

590 10 16


Hey! I need ur help

Hey! Whats up?

Got into an accident, low on bat

OMG! Are you ok? 😳

Can you get to 43rd and 6th, now?

Chris was in the middle of breakfast when she got the text. Immediately,  she left everything, took her keys and ran out the door. She had no idea what had happened but it must not be good, at all.

"Hey! You okay?"she asked observing all the broken glass and debris on the street

Jim was talking to a patrol officer, as a man was being attended to in an ambulance, just a couple of feet from the incident.

"Hey!" he greeted, sounded tired, "Yeah, I'm ok." he said

She approached him and they shared a soft kiss. When she pulled away she noticed he grimaced, but tried to hid it.

"Don't!" she said as she gently placed a hand on his shoulder, "Have the medic check you out, Street. Don't play tough guy now."

"I don't wanna make it even worse for the guy." he said slowly, glancing at the man in the side. "Turns out he has a family and was falling asleep on the wheel coming off his 3rd job. His insurance expired a week ago and he's been trying to pay it off on top of everything else. I feel sorry for the guy."

"Damn! Did he take you out completely or what?"

"He nicked me on the side, but I was making a turn and my back wheel gave way. I ended up sideways in the middle of the street. Good thing that my helmet took most of the impact."

"You still landed hard on that shoulder, huh?"

" I'm really feeling it." he said rubbing it gently and grimacing

"Let me take you to the hospital, have them take a look at it. Maybe some X Rays."

"Nah, it's probably nothing." he said waving her off

"C'mon! If not for you, then do it for me."

"Chris, you gotta let this go."

"When have I ever heard that before?" she said rolling her eyes back as he grinned. She took some steps towards her car and gestured for him to follow. "C'mon, get your ass in the car. We're checking that shoulder."

 "Fine, but if they give me an ointment or something, you're rubbing it in."

"You got a deal!" she said as both smiled.

She called in a friend of hers to pick up the bike as she headed to the nearby hospital with the patient. Meanwhile Jim called Hicks and told him what happened. He asked to come in late but Hicks told him to take the whole day to rest.

"Officer James Street?" called a old man wearing a doctor's robe with the tag DOCTOR HEYWARD

"Yes, doc" Jim responded siting up in the hospital gurney in the small office

They had been waiting for over 25 minutes to be called due to the long list of patients in line. Vitals seem normal, but now the shoulder pain had intensified.

"I have here you were in a car accident riding a motorcycle and you're bothered by shoulder pain. Is that right?"

"Yeah." he grimaced when trying to move his shoulder, which by now was swollen and felt 10 times heavier.

"Alright, let's take a look." said the doctor as he placed the clipboard on the side table and approached him.  

"Ahhhh. Now it really hurts." he said as he tried to remove his shirt , "Chris?"

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