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Author's Note: This bit happens after 6x19, inspired by an Instagram video and the famous phrase by Sheldon, character from Big Bang Theory. Enjoy!



"Ahhhh" Jim's back was barking, as he felt the pain all over his left oblique. He tried not to move too much, but even lying down was painful. "Ow!"

"Hey!" Chris greeted slowly, turning to face him.

She lifted the bedding and moved it downward to get a better view of his injury. He wasn't freezing cold, but it wasn't like the temperature was all that hot either. He felt a sudden shiver.

"At least it's turning green. That's a good sign." she said with a light shrug.

"Hurts like hell!" he said wincing.

"Remind me again what on Earth possessed you to go down a building with half a harness set up?" Chris said, grabbing the small tube on the nightstand and putting some cream on her hand.

"Ouch! I don't know! Chasing a maniac that thought he was Spiderman?" Street said, wincing in pain.

"Deep breath!" she said calmly, as she rubbed her hands and placed them gently over his left side.

Groan. A soothing wave went through his abdomen to the rest of his body. He swore her hands were magical!

"I hate climbing!" he complained as she rubbed his hematoma in soft circular motions.

"Yeah, time, think about it twice!" she said shaking her head.

She applied the soothing cream for several minutes, while he laid flat, breathing in deep and holding in the discomfort. Once done, she washed up and got ready for the day. On the other hand, Street could only muster two or three tasks in that time. It took him all but 5 minutes just to get out of bed!

"There's no way they're sending you to the field like that. You'll get doc visit and desk duty today and probably for the rest of the week" she said watching him walk slowly towards the kitchen.

She had put some bead in the toaster oven, while the coffee was brewing.

"Great" he replied frustrated.


Chris grabbed one of the flying toasts in mid air and smudged on a healthy dose of peanut butter, turning her back to him. She then grabbed the other and slabbed on jelly. The coffee was almost done, so she went to the fridge to retrieve her favorite creamer.

"Hey!"  she called, staring at the inside of the machine. "Where's my Caramel Macchiato?"

She frowned angrily, while desperately moving bottles and containers in the shelves. She leaned in, looking and looking. Since she couldn't find it, she took her head out of the fridge and when turning to the kitchen...

"STREET!" she called angrily.

"Huh?" he responded with a mouthful of bread and spreads.

"What are you-ugh!" she said very annoyed.

"This wasn't for me?" he asked innocently, "Babe!" he said putting on a sad face.

"Make your own breakfast! I got court and appointments today!" she said extremely annoyed.

Street continued to chewed nonchalantly, enjoying a hot cup of coffee with just a touch of milk, which Chris had taken out during the fiasco for the creamer.

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