A Talk That Maybe Was Needed.

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Sam told me to meet her early with Blake and Aaron and to be honest I was not happy with this but whatever to get it over with.

I was getting ready with Blake behind me staring at me because he knew I was nervous as ever.

Me: Ugh.
Blake: You ok?
Me: Sam said she's bringing her fiancé with her now and this is gonna get more awkward.
Blake: I'm here for you ok.
Me: Thank you.
Blake: You are part of my life now and according to Aaron Casey found someone new and she apparently is happy with him but let's see what happens.
Me: Yea.

Blake and I drove to this restaurant on the beach in Long Island and we got there in about two hours. Aaron pulled up next to us with Rose and Blake and I had Jeter. It seems that Sam and her fiancé pulled up a couple of cars down from us. Good we didn't have to make this awkward right away.

Sam looked down at my hand and saw it had a ring on it.

Sam: Oh I thought you and Aaron were back together?
Me: Nope.
Sam: I'm sorry.
Me: I'm done trusting him.

Of course she stood there in silence and so did her fiancé who I honestly wish would go away. He was just like her. So self conceded and just too up-tight like her. You can tell he gave off a bad vibe.

We walked into the restaurant and sat at one of the bigger tables so we didn't have to sit next to each other.

The waiter came over took our orders and walked away.

Aaron was feeding Rose and I had Jeter next to me really quiet since this restaurant allowed pets.

Sam: So um I wanted us to meet because I have something to tell you Sarah and I just wanted them to hear it.
Me: Okay what is it.
Sam: Um the day you and Aaron got married in Miami um I was there alone.
Me: Excuse me?
Sam: Yeah.
Me: Why were you there?
Sam: Um well remember when you went to Tampa before you came down to Miami?
Me: Yea.
Sam: Well I went to Aaron's room down in Miami and I sorta got mad that he moved on from what we had and I sorta um kissed him.

I looked at Aaron with such rage on my face. He looked very guilty and to be honest I knew thankfully that I really didn't trust him my entire time I was with him. I knew he was either with her or with someone else. It was like this was all a lie with us and our poor kids had to sit through it. It was such a god damn roller coaster between him and Sam then back to Sabrina and then so on and so forth.

Blake kept rubbing my shoulders and he knew I didn't want to speak anymore. Sam's fiancé looked at me with a sad face and she looked embarrassed which she should have fuckin been.

We all sat in silence the rest of the time because I didn't need to hear anymore.

The waiter came over and noticed how awkward the table was so he did his job and left.

Sam: Sarah please say something.
Me: *silence*
Blake: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DO YOU THINK SHE IS GOING TO SAY HUH BITCH?!? I'm not gonna sit here and have you confess all this shit NOW that I'm in her life so we will pay for our end of this but honestly I want you and your fiancé to NEVER contact her AGAIN! Do you hear me?!? I never want to hear Sarah mention you both again!
Sam: This is the last time I promise.
Blake: Good I'm glad. Now honey let's go home Jeter looks tired.
Aaron: Blake I'm sorry.
Blake: Bro! We are through! Don't come near Sarah again! The next time we are going to see you and ONLY you is at Conner and Sapphire's weddings and you two assholes better not show up because Sarah wants me in charge of the guest list for her kids! Sarah and I have been planning to get married and now we are FINALLY going to go through with it because we BOTH deserve to be fuckin happy!
Me: Honey we should go.
Blake: Yeah let's go.

Blake and I picked up our food, gave them money to the waiter, and picked up Jeter and walked out.

We got back into the car and I was just silent on the way home and he was definitely okay with it.

We got home about an hour and a half later.

Taylor and Marieka were visiting friends for a couple of days in the city so they left yesterday. We went to sit on the couch and to be honest you would think I would break down. Nope I just sat in silence.

Blake texted DJ to come over tomorrow to do the wedding stuff with Kyle and Sapphire. Things were okay on that end. Blake and I just wanted to be alone with Jeter.

Blake: I swear that fucker better take care of his daughter.
Me: I'm going to make sure of that.
Blake: Good.
Me: Thank you for what you did back there.
Blake: I had to Sarah.
Me: Yeah I know. I'm sorry about everything.
Blake: You are not the issue Sarah. They are all the issue.
Me: Yea.

We sat in silence and we turned on the TV to watch some movie but we really weren't paying much attention to it because we were paying more attention to Jeter staring at us.

He climbed off my lap and went to Blake's and Blake just smiled and gave him and I a kiss on the head.

Me: I finally feel empty.
Blake: Good because guess what I'm the only man who can make you feel full again besides men in your family already.
Me: I agree.
Blake: You have cried enough Sarah and now is the time for you to move on from everyone and just leave it alone.
Me: Yeah that's what I plan on doing.

Tomorrow was going to be interesting when DJ and Jordan find out my entire marriage and dating life with Aaron was a mistake.

Sadly things happen.

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