Time with Olivia. 👯‍♀️

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I took Olivia with me to work today so she could see what I do with the guys on a daily basis. Now with KD out I was constantly asked on Twitter and Instagram when he was coming back and it was getting overwhelming to the point where I told Steven and Eddie that they need to handle social media. They understood and they told me just to write the beat report articles and I was fine with that. I needed a woman around though so I called Olivia and she was spending the week with Ben and I which I loved. The dogs were also keeping her company and she loved them.

Olivia and I were sitting on the bleachers while I finished up the KD article with him getting his training done with the PT guy in the back room by the training rooms.

Olivia: How's my brother doing? Is he ok Sarah?
Me: I mean he seems okay to me. What's going on?
Olivia: He said that he sometimes feels overwhelmed when the media asks him questions and when he isn't around you he's very fidgety.
Me: I'm going to talk to him when he comes over. He's just in the back getting work done with the trainer.

A couple of minutes later he walked over and sat in front of me so I can rub his shoulders.

Ben: Hey girls.
Me: Babe?
Ben: yeah.
Me: Are you alright?
Ben: Eh.
Me: Your sister was telling me. Is the media overwhelming you??
Ben: I mean it is part of NY media. I have to get over it and just do it.
Me: Do you want me next to you? I can ask Steven and Eddie.
Ben: You can?
Me: Of course I can honey. I don't want you feeling overwhelmed. I want you feeling comfortable. I can just hold your hand under the table if you want or I can just be in the room and not say anything so you can just look at me when you feel fidgety.
Olivia: Benny I think that's a good idea if Sarah does that. Who cares what people think. The team loves you and they want you to feel comfortable. If you ever feel alone have Sarah near you or text me or call me. I want to stay with you guys for the week because I want to make sure you both are okay. Mom has everything under control with dad and the kids.
Ben: Thank you.
Olivia: Your welcome. Now I'm just going to shoot around on the other court while you and Sarah talk since everyone is on break.
Ben: Okay.

Olivia walked over and was shooting around with some of the coaching staff that she knew and they liked having her around.

Me: Babe I need you to feel ok. Ok?
Ben: Yeah. Can you just rub my shoulders and my chest please. I need to just relax.
Me: Sure.

While I was doing that since my job for the day was done the guys were off in the corner smirking at me and I stuck my tongue out at them with Ben laughing.

Ben: That feels good. Thank you. I feel more relaxed.
Me: Im glad. Now you need to go shoot. If you need me im right here. I love you.
Ben: Love you too.

I gave him a kiss and smacked his butt and he just smirked and walked away.

Olivia: Oh my god you two. You spoil him too much.
Me: Well I love it.

Kevin walked over and started talking to us.

Kev: So I guess Benny loves his rub downs? ;)
Me: Oh shush.
Kev: I mean I already got a woman to do that and she's making me eat more so that's a good thing.
Olivia: Trust me that is a good thing.
Kev: So you staying with them for the week Liv?
Olivia: Yep. Sarah wants her girl time and she thinks Ben needs me around just for sibling support.
Kev: That's a good idea. Glad you came Olivia.
Olivia: Me too.

As the day went on I could see Ben get more comfortable around the court and then practice was over so we all went to the park and had a picnic with the dogs.

Olivia: I forgot how pretty this park is.
Ben: Sarah and I come here to think. We usually leave the dogs with Kev and Moni when we need a break just the two of us but having the dogs around helps.
Olivia: Yeah Curly and Jeter over here are pretty comfy.

It was nice to have Olivia around because I know Ben missed his sister even if he spends all the time in the world with me.

Aaron and Chrissy were texting me asking me if I wanted to have dinner with them and to bring Ben and Olivia and the dogs tomorrow night.

Olivia: Im down.
Ben: Yeah sure. We have off tomorrow anyways.
Me: Okay sounds good.

They told me six so that sounded good to have the pups 🐶 nap before we left so they had the energy to chase Rosie around the house.

Olivia: Can I ask something?
Ben: Yeah.
Olivia: Have you two ever talked about marriage just randomly?
Me: sometimes yeah. We just don't want that to be a thing.
Olivia: Oh I know. I'm just wondering.
Ben: We have thought about it.
Olivia: would you get married?
Ben: Well we are both scared to get married so maybe in the future but not right now. Why?
Olivia: I just really like having Sarah around. I just don't want you to lose her.

Ben and I smiled at his sister and we went to hug her.

Me: Don't worry Liv I'm here to stay.
Ben: I like how you like having her around but she's definitely not going anywhere Liv.
Olivia: Well good. I mean we have the step siblings but Sarah is different. She gets me.
Me: Of course I do. We all battle with the same things and having each other around helps.

I decided to take a photo for Instagram with Olivia.


Spending time with this girl is just icing on the cake 🍰! Spending the week with her is going to be awesome

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Spending time with this girl is just icing on the cake 🍰! Spending the week with her is going to be awesome.

Tagged: Olivia Simmons.

the comments were so nice so we appreciated the feedback until we had to limit them.

Olivia: Maya liked it.
Me: She always likes my photos. I mean I still talk to her so that's nice.
Olivia: that is!

Ben just smiled at how his sister and I just got along like we knew each other forever.

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