Boston Travels 🚙 part one

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Ben and I decided to drive to Boston and it would only really be about four hours maybe three. We should get there by this afternoon since we left early in the morning with the dogs in the back. We ended up finding an Air-Bnb that allowed dogs so that was a good thing. It was ten minutes outside of Boston since him and I didn't want to be staying inside of Boston.

Ben: We are going to see the kids when we get there right?
Me: Yep!
Ben: It has been awhile since you saw them correct?
Me: Yeah.
Ben: Has Blake moved on?
Me: Yeah he said this chick is living with him.
Ben: The snow will melt and the shit will show I guess.
Me: Yeah my mom used to say that.

The dogs were in the back taking their nap and we were going to feed them in about an hour and have them use the bathroom when they needed to.

Me: I'm sorry I had to drag you with me. I could have gone alone.
Ben: I needed the mini vacation even if we both hate Boston but I also didn't want you driving all the way up here alone.
Me: You are too sweet.
Ben: Yeah I know. I'm glad we picked some place to stay outside of Boston. I'm sorry Boston is just not my favorite place in the world.
Me: I absolutely agree with you. I really never liked this city.
Ben: There is nothing fascinating about it. I mean I was in Philly for years since I got drafted and to be honest Philly wasn't that fascinating either. I mean yeah you have history in these two cities but I'm from Australia the only history we really have is the Sydney Opera House. Lol.
Me: I find Australia really pretty and I would love to go one day.
Ben: We can go when the season is over. I have family I need to visit.
Me: Sounds good.

We were two hours into the drive since Ben I swear was driving fast a majority of the time and the dogs were up looking out the windows.

Ben: You know this car ride is so silent I forgot the dogs were even here.
Me: Yeah I was about to say that.
Ben: I guess we have this comfortable silence between us that it is never awkward. I like that.
Me: Yeah me too.

A couple of minutes later Ben's mom called him.

Julie: Hi Benny:
Ben: Hey mom.
Julie: You sound like you are driving somewhere.
Ben: Yeah I am. I'm headed up to Boston.
Julie: You hate Boston.
Ben: Haha yeah I do but I'm with Sarah and she wants to go visit some friends and she wanted me to go with her.
Julie: Let me guess Blake's kids want to see her.
Ben: How the heck did you know that?!?
Julie: Trust me Benny you cannot lie to me and Olivia told me. She's staying with us for awhile.
Ben: Only Olivia.
Julie: Yep, you know your sister.
Ben: I do.
Julie: Hi Sarah.
Me: Hi Julie.
Julie: How are you?
Me: I'm hanging in there. Kinda stressed out. I never wanted to make this trip up to Boston.
Julie: You are only doing it for the kids Sarah. Trust me you can be mad at everyone else but don't be mad at those children. Their father is the fuck up not them.
Me: Yeah I know. How did you know about all of this?
Julie: I saw the ESPN episode.
Me: Oh what did you think?
Julie: It was honest. I like honest. You told everyone how you were feeling and you never threw my son around like a basketball around the court so I appreciate how much you love him. I know he's going to be okay with you. It didn't work out with Maya and I know why but with you I know it will.
Me: thank you Julie. We are almost in Boston since your son drives so fast.
Julie: Benny the girl is already dreading going to the damn city and you are driving like you are in some race car movie. Slow down honey.
Ben: I know mom. We will call you later.
Julie: You better. I love you. Text me when you guys arrive.
Me: Love you.
Ben: We will mom. Love you.

Ben could tell I was nervous that I was messing with my fingers in my lap.

Ben: Hey listen to me.
Me: Yeah.
Ben: I'm going to be there with you the whole time okay. We aren't staying with them we are just visiting for a couple of hours. Also you tell me when you want to leave and we can leave.
Me: Thank you. I know you have to get back to Brooklyn for games at the end of the week so we can leave in two days.
Ben: That sounds good.

Ben had to be back in Brooklyn by Saturday afternoon so we were going to leave Thursday and today was Tuesday. We were going to explore some other places outside of Boston that weren't sports related because he liked quiet places as did I.

An hour later we got to the Air Bnb and we dropped our stuff off. It was a beautiful place with an in door pool and some nice places outside to sit including a fire place which Ben and I loved.

Ben: This is going to be a spot for us in the future.
Me: I agree. I like how in the middle of no where this place is even if there are houses around but not next to each other.
Ben: We have privacy but it isn't creepy.
Me: Yeah. You picked a good place.
Ben: Thanks. I knew we would like it.
Me: Ugh my nerves are really bad.
Ben: Breathe with me.

I did some breathing exercises with him and then we got back into the car with the dogs and drove away.

The next chapter should be interesting. Let's see what happens.

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