Am I Enough? Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

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You have many thoughts that always run through your head and sometimes you don't always know who or what to believe?

I was tossing and turning next to Blake all night with Taylor and Marieka in the other room. To be honest the one thing keeping me up was the fact that I was getting text messages from Steve all night that Kevin and Blake were leaving Brooklyn. I wanted to start crying because I didn't know if I should believe him or if I should pack my things and leave for good with Jeter away from everyone.

I walked into the bathroom and cried silent tears because I didn't know what was going on. I heard a knock on the bathroom door and when I looked at my phone I didn't realize it was six in the morning.

As soon as I opened the door I saw Marieka standing there with a concerned face and I just broke down in silent tears in her arms.

Taylor saw us and he was concerned also. I walked past them both into the kitchen and I just sat with my coffee cup staring at it with tears coming down my face and I took my engagement ring off and stared at it. Marieka was on my left and Taylor was on my right waiting for me to say something.

Marieka: Sarah what's wrong?
Me: Why do I never get the happiness I want?
Marieka: What do you mean?
Me: I need to be close to my kids here in Brooklyn because I know they need me.
Marieka: Sarah your kids are going to be okay no matter where you move but I know this isn't why you are crying.
Taylor: Please Sarah we want to help tell us.
Me: Blake wants to get traded somewhere and so does Kevin and I know with Kevin he's going to be okay but with Blake I don't know if this engagement is going to work with us or this marriage either. I do love him soo much but my heart cannot take the pain anymore.
Taylor: Sarah you cannot control anything anyone else does but all I know is that Blake told me what was happening before Steven called you. Marieka knew also.
Me: So he told you guys but he didn't tell me?!?
Taylor: Yeah.
Me: I thought he trusted me.
Taylor: He does trust you Sarah just not when it comes to this.
Me: Hm I see. Well yesterday was my last day with the Nets. I'm leaving.
Taylor: Sarah please don't leave.
Me: I already told Steven and the guys. They weren't too happy with me but I think I deserve to be alone. I have my stuff already packed by the door and I'm going to go on vacation for a little while.
Taylor: Where are you going to go?
Me: I think I'm going to Oklahoma for a little while and I just need to be alone with Jeter.
Taylor: Sarah please tell Blake.
Me: No I can't. I just cannot face him.
Taylor: I see.

I took the engagement ring off and I left it on the counter and Marieka handed it back to me but I shook my head no.

Marieka: Do you love him Sarah?
Me: Yeah I do.
Marieka: Then you need to tell him.
Me: I can't. I just need to be alone.

I walked into the bedroom and Blake was in the shower as he came out he had tears coming down his face.

I didn't pay attention to him so I just ignored him and continued to pack my things and Jeter's things.

As I finished I rolled my stuff out of the room and Marieka tried handing me the ring back and I shook my head saying no.

I walked to the coffee shop to grab something to go before I headed to the airport with Jeter and I ran into Kevin. I ignored him and walked away.

Kevin: Sarah wait!
Me: No Kevin!
Kevin: Sarah please just wait!
Me: No. I'm one of your best friends Kevin and to think I had to hear from Steven that you want to be traded to another team and so does my ex-fiancé! Yeah I said ex!
Kevin: Whoa Steven told you about Blake and I ?
Me: Yeah he told me and guess what I'm going to look for a job when I move somewhere else where no one knows me.
Kevin: Why don't you move with Blake?
Me: Blake doesn't love me more than basketball Kevin. He should have told me about you and he should have told me about him.
Kevin: Sarah don't break his heart please. He needs you.
Me: If he loved me he would have came after me.
Kevin: I see. Well please call me when you get to where you are going.
Me: Fine.

I got into the cab with Jeter in his little bag and the cab drove away.

I sat in the back of the cab with silent tears and I was now on my way to the airport so I can fly into Oklahoma City.

Sitting waiting for my flight at the airport I spot two little kids with Nets jerseys on sitting across from me and I just cried in silence. Knowing that was the last time I was going to see that was very heart breaking. To think you could trust a team and then they turn their back on you just hurts.

I boarded the plane but as soon as I was about to I saw someone running and screaming my name but I ignore them until the person caught my arm. I looked back and it was Blake.

Everyone around was taking photos but he was ignoring them.

Blake: Sarah please.
Me: No.
Blake: I want us to work things out.
Me: No.
Blake: Please!
Me: No you lied to me! You told me everything was okay and that you were always going to love me!
Blake: I was going to take you with me!
Me: Well that's over with.
Blake: Why are you leaving to Oklahoma?
Me: To tell your parents to cancel all the wedding plans and to just take a couple of days to myself.

Knowing we were both making a scene we didn't care.

I walked into the plane and I saw him walking away.

Getting to my seat with Jeter next to me since I was allowed to bring him on the plane with me.

The woman next to me smiled at me and I just didn't look at her.

Then I saw Blake get on the plane and it was like everyone stopped.

Me: Blake what the hell are you doing get off the plane!
Blake: No! I'm not leaving you!
Me: You need a ticket.
Blake: I bought one.
Me: You are insane.
Blake: To think I'm going to let you go again you are insane.
Me: Fine whatever.

The woman next to me had this sincere look in her eyes. She was willing to switch places and give Blake her seat and he of course wanted to.

I ignored him the rest of the flight with Jeter in the middle.

Next chapter we will see what happens.

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