A Day With Jess and G.

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Aaron and I woke up the day after we came and I was asleep on his chest like old times. I swear this man is so comfortable I cannot seem to remove my head.

Aaron's POV:
Having Sarah's hair touch my skin again felt like old times. I loved smelling the vanilla lavender shampoo and conditioner in her hair which made it so smooth touching my skin. I kissed the top of her head and I felt her eye lashes move.

Aaron: Hey. Good Morning sweetie.
Me: Hey. Morning.
Aaron: Are you going to look at me?
Me: Sorry you are so comfortable. Lol.
Aaron: No that's okay. Somehow knowing I'm retired I still workout but not as much as I used to.
Me: I don't want you over doing it though.
Aaron: No, I know. I never over do it. I'm getting older now I can't do it like I used to.
Me: I'm glad you are paying attention to your body.
Aaron: I'm okay I promise babe.
Me: Thank you.

Later on that day we went to see G and Jess.

Now we were sitting in the living room just chatting away.

Jess: I'm glad you two are back together.
Me: Yeah me also.
Giancarlo: What clicked with you two again?
Me: I think it was just fate maybe let alone just the need to re-connect.
Giancarlo: I knew this would happen with you both.
Jess: Yeah I knew also.
Aaron: How did you know I didn't go along with the engagement with Chrissy, Jess?
Jess: Aaron I knew you loved her but you didn't love her to marry her. You would have been miserable.
Giancarlo: She's right Aaron.
Aaron: I'm glad you two picked up on that.
Me: You two knew this the whole time?
Jess: Sarah it was clear has day. She was happier than he was about the engagement. We knew he still loved you but you were still with Ben.
Giancarlo: I told him Sarah that you could possibly go back to him when you were ready on your terms. What made you come back for good?
Me: I think when I went to the foundation clinic I saw him with the kids and the past clicked back in my head and then I saw the kids and his parents and I knew I couldn't have that with Ben. Then Ben and I knew this long term thing wouldn't work for us so we moved on without all the added drama.
Jess: I'm glad Sarah.
Giancarlo: Sarah you are very strong. All this shit you went through I would have lost my damn shit every single day.
Me: I think I just got used to it. Like it was my life telling me I didn't deserve long term.
Aaron: You do Sarah. Maybe this was meant to happen.
Me: Maybe it was. I mean we fought enough about everything.
Aaron: We did. I feel like we don't have to fight anymore.
Me: We don't.

A couple of minutes later Sarah got a call from someone.
Me: Hello? Sarah speaking.
"Hi Sarah."
Me: Who is this?
"It's Matt."
Me: Hey Matt. How are you ?
Matt: I'm good. I was wondering if I could catch up with you and Aaron?
Me: It is okay with me but I can ask Aaron.
Matt: Okay sounds good. Let me know.
Me: Okay I will.

I walked back into the living room and I sat down next to Aaron.
Aaron: Who was on the phone?
Me: Matt.
Aaron: Does he want to interview us?
Me: Yep. Is that ok?
Aaron: Oh yeah sure. That's cool with me.
Me: He's a good person Aaron. Trust me things are going to be cool with him.
Aaron: Oh yeah I know.
Giancarlo: If you don't want to do the interview you don't have to Aaron.
Me: He's right.
Aaron: No I want to. Matt's a cool dude and I know he's going to be chill.
Jess: We will be watching from the TV.
Aaron: Thanks guys. How is everyone on your end?
Jess: Everyone is good. Busy but good. We are thinking about going to Florida for a couple of weeks to see the family but we want to stay up here for awhile waiting for the next move.
Giancarlo: We were thinking about Cali Aaron.
Me: You guys should come.
Jess: We were thinking about it but we don't know yet.
Me: Oh okay let us know. We will help you look.
Jess: Sounds good.
Giancarlo: Are you guys gonna stay the night with us?
Aaron: Yeah we will. How about we have a reunion with Gerrit and Amy.
Giancarlo: Actually Gerrit called me the other day asking us if we wanted to have dinner.
Aaron: Call him tomorrow we can come with you.
Giancarlo: Okay sounds good.

After we had dinner we went upstairs to call Matt since Matt was in the city the same time we were.

Matt: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey Matt. We can do the interview.
Matt: Oh good.
Aaron: Hey Matt, it's Aaron.
Matt: Hey Aaron. You guys didn't have to do this I would have understood.
Aaron: We wanted to let everything out in the open.
Matt: I'm proud of you both for being very strong. When are you guys available?
Me: Actually we go back to Cali this weekend how about we do it at the Foundation gym.
Matt: Yeah that sounds good. Send me the address.
Aaron: Will do. Thanks Matt.
Me: Thanks Matt.
Matt: Thanks guys. I owe you!
Me: Nah it's no problem.

We knew Matt was a good dude so clearing the air and doing this interview with him next week would help everything settle down.

Giancarlo came upstairs and sat on the bed with us while Jess was in the shower.

Giancarlo: I'm proud of you guys. You two are so so strong that not many couples would go through all of this more than once.

Me: Maybe it was time to throw in the towel G.
Aaron: Yeah maybe it was.
Giancarlo: Good. Everyone is going to be happy you guys found common ground. ;)
Me: We are happy also.

Let's see what happens with the Cole reunion in the next chapter with some visitors. ;)
Stay tuned. ;)

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