Facetime with Klay.

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Klay Thompson called me the next morning since he didn't go to Australia because he had to help his family with somethings. 

I was now sitting in Aaron's living room and he took Jeter out for a walk and I was watching Rosie who was taking a nap next to me on the couch. 

Klay: Hey Sarah. 

Me: Hey Klay. 

Klay: Why aren't you with Ben in Aussie?

Me: He said he didn't want me to go with him.

Klay: What the heck?!? Who says that!? Do you know why?

Me: I have a feeling. 

Klay: Why do you think?

Me: I believe it is because I went to Aaron's charity baseball event for his foundation and the PR people caught me in photos with him talking when I told Ben I was going to the foundation event and he told me to go. He even donated to the event through his foundation. 

Klay: So you think he thinks you are back with Aaron?

Me: Yep. 

Klay: Are you?

Me: Well Aaron said yesterday to me "If he left to Aussie without you Sarah and you are still here don't you think that is your answer."

Klay: He's not wrong about that. 

Me: I think that it is a clear indication that Ben thinks I am holding his hand too much since Brooklyn and all he wants is to do things solo now. I get that. He could have just told me why he wanted me to stay behind. 

Klay: Sarah maybe now is your time to move on until the next time you talk to him. 

Me: That is what I am going to do. I am at Aaron's right now and I hate to tell you this but he kissed me last night and yes I did kiss him back because if Ben was clear on what he wanted I would have been with him right now and not here. I am babysitting my step daughter while he took Jeter out for a walk. We are even thinking within the next couple of weeks taking a trip to Italy.

Klay: Wow Sarah. 

Me: Wow what?

Klay: You really do have your life together. 

Me: You could say I always have Klay and times have always been tough for me I just don't show it when I was working with you guys since the NBA season is over now and most of the players are oversees. 

Klay: I am going to tell you one thing. 

Me: What is it?

Klay: Back in the day when Steph and I came to a Yankee game since they were playing the Dodgers since my brother was on the team at the time I saw you and Aaron talking and he came up to you and was holding your hand behind home plate. I had never seen a woman so happy before Sarah with her man. 

Me: I think that must have been before I had Conner and Sapphire.

Klay: Definitely must have been. That also must have been before all the shit went down with you and Aaron. 

Me: Yeah that definitely was. 

Klay: Sarah if I was in your position right now I would do the exact same thing you would be doing even if people would think it is insane. 

Me: Yeah I know. Aaron is coming back in as we speak you can say hello. 

Klay: Aaron what's up man!

Aaron: Hey Klay! Aren't you supposed to be in Aussie?

Klay: I couldn't go this time I had to stay back and help the family. 

Aaron: Oh okay. I understand. Sarah told you everything?

Klay: She did. 

Aaron: What do you think we should do?

Klay: Exactly what you are doing. Ben did this to himself not letting Sarah go with him and she told me you kissed her last night and she kissed you back. I mean if this is God's way of doing things I would just do it. Ben didn't really give Sarah much of a warning honestly about him going to Aussie. 

Aaron: I wonder why that is I thought he loved her. 

Klay: That's what I thought man but I told her back when you were with the Yankees Steph and I went to a game because Trayce was playing with the Dodgers at the time. I looked behind home plate since Steph and I got tickets by the dugout and I saw you kissing Sarah. You two looked so happy man. I even said that to Steph and he told me he saw the same thing I was seeing. If this is meant to be with you two and this is the last time you are going to not leave each other then what do you have to lose?

Aaron: I said the same to Sarah yesterday. I mean it was my choice to leave Chrissy because I swear every single move I made with her I thought about Sarah. I mean she is the mother of my dog, my kids, and she took my kid with another woman when she didn't have to with Blake and made that little girl her own. I named Sarah Rosie's step guardian for a reason. 

Klay: Wait is that the child that Sarah told me was left at her place with Blake at the time?

Aaron: That's Rosie. 

Aaron moved the camera towards Rosie playing on the floor with her dolls.  

Klay: She's beautiful man and she looks exactly like you. 

Aaron: Yeah she does. The aunt of mine and Sarah's kids called me and told me about Rosie and how Blake and Sarah took her in and I knew that had to have been Blake to tell her to do that. Blake and Sarah both love kids and I knew they wouldn't have just left Rosie.

Klay: Sarah has a heart dude and you know this but people use it and that's wrong man. 

Aaron: It is. 

Klay: Anyways I have to go help Trayce with something so you and Sarah keep me posted with everyone and let me know if you want to have dinner sometime I'm down. 

Aaron: You got it man anytime you want to come over let me know.

Klay: Will do. 

We got off the phone with Klay and I sat on the floor with Rosie to play dolls with her while Jeter was on the couch with Aaron.

Me: I think we need an extra day to tell the kids. 

Aaron: I was thinking the same. 

Me: Did you hear what they said at the charity event?

Aaron: Sapphire came over to me and was telling me "Dad you need to let mom back into your life because if you don't you won't know what might have been." I don't know how she knew this but it looks like Kyle was noticing what was going on also. 

Me: Yeah I thought he did notice. 

Aaron: I guess we will see what happens. 

Me: Yeah. 

Sarah and Aaron had a lot to think about but telling the kids wasn't the big issue but talking to Ben about it was. 

What do you think is going to happen?

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