On The Road Again. 🚖

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Ben and I left Boston early in the morning with the pups in the back and we should be back in Brooklyn towards the end of the afternoon. I knew he was happy to be going back home and to see the guys which I know he missed.

As Ben was driving since he wanted to drive and keep me from doing it, I got a call from a random number but didn't pick it up. The number called again and Ben looked at my phone and noticed the number was from San Francisco. I still didn't pick it up.

Ben: Babe do you know who it is? It is a San Fran number.
Me: Nope and nor do I care.
Ben: Okay.
Me: The number left a voicemail and I listened to it.

Hey Sarah this is Matt Barnes from All The Smoke. I would love to do an interview with you when you come back to Brooklyn since I'm in town for the game this Saturday. Please please please tell me you will say yes because all the NBA fans want you on. We would love to have you. Call me back at this number when you get in from Boston. Yeah Kai told me you went up to Boston. Hope everything is okay. Drive safe. Tell Benny I said hello.

Then the voicemail ended.

Ben: Damn Sarah. You should do it!
Me: I'm thinking about it. Matt is a good guy.
Ben: He is.
Me: I will call him when I get home.
Ben: Okay.
Me: I never got this much attention from MLB.
Ben: I'm glad you are getting it from us. Everyone loves you.
Me: Nope everyone loves Steven and Eddie for giving me the job with the Nets.
Ben: I have to give it to Blake he was the one who put in the word for you.
Me: I know. I was thinking of going back to school and being an agent. Like an agent for the NBA. What do you think?
Ben: I think you should do it.
Me: Yeah I'm thinking about it. I will look into it and see.
Ben: good for you Sarah. I'm glad you are branching out.
Me: Yeah I know.

We were an hour away from Brooklyn and I was so happy because I missed my bed man.

As we got into NY a little over 30 mins ago Olivia called.

Me: Hey Liv!
Liv: Hey girl. You guys home yet?
Me: We will be in the next hour or so.
Liv: Oh good. Benny Mom and Dad are coming to the game on Sunday and I'm coming with them and your niece.
Ben: Okay sounds good.
Liv: Do you guys want to hangout after?
Me: Sounds good to me.
Ben: Yeah sure.
Liv: Sarah I was reading this article in People magazine about you and my brother the other day and they have a picture of you two making out on the court at the practice facility.
Ben: Of course they do. These nosy people.
Liv: Want me to send you the picture Sarah?
Me: Yeah send it.
Liv: Okay.

Me: Actually I like this photo

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Me: Actually I like this photo.
Ben: Yeah I do also.
Me: Thanks for sending it. We are home so I will text you later Livy. See you Sunday.
Liv: Yep talk soon!

Ben and I walked through the door with the dogs and the dogs plopped on the couch. After we put our things away we cuddled up with them on the couch afterwards.

Ben: You going to call Matt?
Me: Yeah.

A couple of seconds later Sarah's phone rang again.

Me: Hi Matt.
Matt: Hey Sarah you home?
Me: Yep just walked through the door ten minutes ago.
Matt: Did you get my voicemail?
Me: Yep I did!
Matt: And?
Me: I would love to do it. Also is it okay if Ben comes in for the last ten minutes?
Matt: Yeah sure I don't mind. It would make it more interesting to the people listening in and watching.
Me: Okay thank you.
Ben: Hey Matty.
Matt: Hey Benny! How the heck did you two get together?
Ben: I guess we fell for each other and she's been helping me out a lot with shit so I just kissed her one day and we went from there.
Matt: Man Blake is stupid. Sarah you broke the internet when people found out you were single. I had guys in Cali a couple of days ago asking if you were single then I saw your Instagram and I said nope bro she isn't single. The pictures with you and Ben though on the court are steamy.
Me: Yeah it is probably the Nets getting those photos.
Matt: Oh okay. I was like how are they getting these pics?!?
Me: Now you know.
Matt: Okay so we are going to set up for after the game on Saturday. Sound good?
Me: Yeah sure. Just text me when you are ready for me.
Matt: Okay. It was good talking to you guys.
Ben: You too Matt.

I kissed him after I got off the phone and since the dogs went to their beds to take a nap we started making out on the couch.

Ben: Shirt off.
Me: You too.

His kisses on my neck were heavenly. You overall start to feel like tingles up and down your body when his lips touch my skin.

Ben: You okay?
Me: Oh yeah.

After about an hour of going at it we passed out on the couch.

Me: That was the best.
Ben: I'm glad I can help.
Me: Same with me.
Ben: You cold?
Me: Nope. Can we go take a shower?
Ben: Yeah.

I was having him wash my hair and it felt amazing. Washing the top of his head massaging his curls was just a favorite of mine and he loved it.

Me: You know I could get used to this.
Ben: Yep so can I.
Me: I know I haven't said this in awhile but I love you.
Ben: You what?
Me: I love you.
Ben: I love you too.
Me: I got scared for a minute. I thought you were going to yell at me.
Ben: Why would I? If I love you I love you and that shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks.
Me: This is true.

Knowing that I got that I love you out of the way it lifted the weight off my shoulders. I wanted to feel some type of content with him and I wanted to protect the man he was now from being someone he isn't. The media and everyone can easily change you but he stayed grounded for me and for himself and others who came across him loved that.

In the next chapter the interview happens with some added guests through FaceTime. Stay tuned. ;)

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