Feeling Conflicted. Going for Advice.

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I woke up the next morning knowing about what happened with Aaron and I the night before. Thinking in the back of my head about what I said about him and us to Blake and Maggie made me feel now upset. I shouldn't have said those things to Blake and Maggie because they didn't need to be involved. I got out of bed got myself together and the house was empty.

I found a note on the table from Blake and Maggie saying they went to see Klay Thompson for the day. I walked to the other guest bedroom and Aaron was lying there on his phone. He was quiet so I walked over to him and told him to come with me to see Steph and Ayesha.

Aaron: Why do you want me to come with you?
Me: Because the things I said yesterday were out of order and rude. I shouldn't have said them in front of Blake and Maggie when we should have talked about it first. If I do something stupid again I can leave.
Aaron: I don't want you to leave. I want us to be together. You are the only thing I have left that I love more than what I have already that you gave me.
Me: Do you really love me? I don't want to feel conflicted anymore Aaron. I mean it.
Aaron: I promise Sarah nothing changes. Also even after what happened last night you still have the promise ring on.
Me: I didn't have the heart to take it off. You mean too much to me now. I got off the phone with your mom and she told me to have you come and talk to me when you are ready. I couldn't do that because I feel empty without you in my life Aaron.
Aaron: I feel the same way.
Me: So are we okay to go see Steph and Ayesha in the next couple of hours?
Aaron: For dinner right ?
Me: Yep.
Aaron: Yeah we are babe.
Me: You never answered my question.
Aaron: Yes I love you. I love you so much.
Me: One day at a time we do this.
Aaron: Okay sounds good.

I leaned into kiss him and then he pulled me down on top of him. Feeling the softness of his lips again was what I really needed.

Aaron: Somehow the kissing helps.
Me: Yep it does. Oh your mom is calling you.
Aaron: Pick it up.
Me: Hi Patty.
Patty: Hi hon. How is everything?
Me: Better.
Patty: You see I told you he would come around.
Me: I know you said to wait until he came to talk to me but I just couldn't because I woke up not long ago on his pillow feeling empty. I really do need him as much as he needs me.
Patty: I told you that would happen Sarah. Your parents are going to come with us to come see you guys tomorrow. Blake and Maggie can stay for dinner before they head home.
Me: Yeah we said we would drive them back.
Patty: Okay sounds good. We will talk tomorrow.
Me: Okay.

A couple of hours later we ended up in Steph and Ayesha's kitchen talking.
Ayesha: so you two how are you?
Me: We are progressing.
Steph: That's good.
Me: Yeah.
Aaron: I told her we would take this relationship one day at a time and see where it goes but she still has the promise ring on and that should tell me something.
Ayesha: The fact that she can't live without you Aaron says a lot. A promise ring is an object not a person. The person is what matters the most. Sarah you told me that.
Me: I did. I remember having some issues in the past and I told Ayesha a couple of times that rings are objects and they don't matter as much as the person does.
Aaron: That is correct honey.

He leaned down to give me a kiss and that was a step in the right direction again.

Steph: Sarah are you going to stay with Golden State or are you going to leave and go work with Aaron's foundation?
Me: I think I will make that decision when I come to it but for right now I think I am going to continue to work with his foundation. His parents and he himself love how I can help the community and I think that is the most important part. Also Patty wants me to be co-author of the news articles that she writes for the foundation.
Aaron: That's amazing honey.
Me: Thank you. I always loved reading them even when we were apart and I think just asking her if she needed the help was the way to go. I am also almost finished with your book Aaron that your mom is helping me with on the side.
Ayesha: You two are going to do just fine. You didn't even need our advice in the first place. You two just need friends and we are always going to be here.

We pulled them both into a hug before we left after dinner that night and Blake and Maggie were home as soon as we walked through the door.

Blake: How did it go?
Me: We had a good time and things are better now.
Maggie: We are glad because we were worried about you two last night.
Me: I promise you Maggs, we are fine now.
Aaron: Yep and we are going to be next to each other every single step of the way from now on. Also if we need help we will let you know.
Maggie: Sounds good.
Blake: Sarah you were right that one time when you said the moments you had with Aaron were the best moments ever.
Me: I said that in NYC right?
Blake: You did.
Aaron: You really said that babe?
Me: Yep. I was alone one night and I remember the times I had with you and Blake knew he was just there for the time being.
Aaron: I understand. Thank you for remembering though.
Me: Yeah it was the best moments.

Maggie pulled me in for a hug and I hugged her back knowing this was a cousin hug and that she was happy for me.

At the end of the day I knew things would be okay and that we wouldn't have to worry about much unless we had to. Aaron and I were going to take life one day at a time.

The next chapter the family comes together. Let's see who shows up for dinner. Stay tuned. ;)

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