As The Day Gets Closer

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It has been a couple of days since we got back from Lake Tahoe and we all had a great time.

Aaron and I decided to put Rosie down for a nap with Jeter and Daisy. As soon as we did that we called up Demi and Tim to come over for dinner.

We were now at the dinner table just eating away and Tim brought up something I didn't think he would bring up.

Tim: Sarah I know you have been the most positive person for a long time even if men came in and out of your life but what was it about Aaron now that made you want to come back to him?

Me: That's a good question because I never got asked that with so much forwardness. I usually got asked that question with a bunch of question marks next to it.

Demi: What makes it change now Sarah?

Me: You guys. You helped me see what I was really missing and what was in front of me the whole time. Yeah Aaron and I did have many many breakdowns and I sure as heck was mad at him one hundred percent of the time for the way he was behaving but something always kept me going back and that was the fact that he knows how I battle with my anxiety and he knows I need my space no matter what. I don't have to be scared around him because before I even do something he always reassures me he isn't going to walk away and I don't have to question what if anymore. At first yeah I didn't want to get married again and I didn't even know what marriage was for a really long time like what you guys have but now I really just see something in me that if I do walk out of his life he isn't going to be the same.

Tim: Sarah that was very well put. I feel like he does need you. Those other women Sarah they thought they could replace you and put a smile on his face but he has your handprints all over his heart and all over his body that your touch to him feels like home. I think the feeling of home to him is you. It isn't a place it isn't a feeling it is a person and that person like I said is you. You make him feel like he's on top of the world and he doesn't have to hide who he is to impress you. You take him in anyway shape or form and that is what a long lasting marriage is about. It is okay to fight and it is okay to feel insecure about things sometimes but it isn't okay to be closed off and guarded when you two already know each other.

Demi: My husband is right Sarah. The men in my past didn't treat me correctly. They didn't love me like Tim does and if they did I knew they would be faking it because unconditional love is tough to find these days. I feel like my husband working with yours is really opening Aaron's eyes to what is important. Tim went through many rough patches in his life but that didn't stop him from putting God before anyone else. God is the reason you two are staying strong and God is the reason the four of us are together sitting at this table. It is all about helping others when help is needed.

Me: Yeah I agree with all of that. I just felt so empty every single time I saw Aaron with a woman that wasn't me. I had to pretend to like the guys I was with just so my heart didn't feel like it was breaking all the time. I'm sure Aaron doesn't feel the same because every single time I looked at him he had a smile on his face.

Aaron: Sarah that smile was forced. I wasn't happy but just because I wasn't happy doesn't mean I didn't want you to be happy with Ben or Blake or Cody even when you were with him. God at the time was telling me to let you go and to let you live your life and if you came back to me I would be there for you. My job is to be the man you always wanted and I feel like I have been doing that job as of late. Have I been doing that since the day we met? I have not and I regret it every single day. Losing you is my biggest regret because every single time you left you took that piece of my heart that kept me going with you. That space with that piece could not be replaced with another piece. The heart wants what it wants but sometimes it really doesn't know how much it can or cannot handle. When you are meant to be with someone it shouldn't feel like a challenge it should feel natural. That's so hard for many these days but that definitely isn't for us. I'm so grateful for you and I want to cherish every single moment I share with you for the rest of my life. We both wanted a big family no matter how impossible at the time it was but look how far we have come. There is no going back now and with Tim and Demi next to us I'm sure they know who belongs in our lives and who doesn't.

Tim: He is correct Sarah. You two are going to have that marriage you wanted for a long time now because Demi and I will always be here for you even if we have more challenging projects to accomplish in this world. Helping you guys is really helping bring us closer together.

Demi: I agree. Take it one day at a time Sarah. By the time the renewal comes it will feel like you two never left each other.

Me: Guys thank you for everything. You didn't have to help us with our craziness but you wanted to. I'm so truly grateful for you both.

Tim: Sarah we wanted to. We knew you and Aaron were meant to be we could see it even before many others did. It takes time and we are willing to help you through anything.

Having Tim and Demi there with us up until the vow renewal which was going to be in a couple of days already is what Aaron and I always wanted. We just wanted to feel wanted and seeing that through a couple who you knew could carry the world was such an honor. I felt stronger next to Aaron than I ever did before.

Hi Readers,
I'm so so sorry for the late update. I have been deleting chapters left and right in my edit link on here because they just didn't feel right but I know this one did. I hope you enjoy the rest of your holidays and hope you have an amazing 2024! 😘

Sarah xoxo 😘

Sarah xoxo 😘

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