The Jess Advice. ✌🏻

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Blake and I were supposed to meet up with Miranda and Josh for a party but they postponed the party until next weekend so Blake and I decided to go visit G and Jess.

They didn't know we were coming so we wanted to surprise them.

G opened the door with a smile on his face and told us to come in. He said Jess was upstairs in the shower.

G: Long time no talk. We are sorry we couldn't make it to the party yesterday the kids came over.
Me: No no we understand family comes first.
G: You guys are family though.
Me: Blood family G not immediate family.
G: True.

A couple of minutes later Jess came down to hug Blake and I.

Jess: I wanted to give you guys this.

Blake opened up the bag and it was a picture in a frame of the four of us at Yankee Stadium.

Blake: Jess this is amazing thank you. We will put this up on the fire place when we get home.
Jess: It is no problem. We owed you something and I thought this would be nice.
Me: Yeah it is nice.

Jess and I have been best friends since the day we met and knowing she was like a sister to me and an aunt and god mom to my kids it was a blessing to have her around.

Jess: Sarah I want to talk to you for a minute. G why don't you and Blake catch up.
G: Sounds good!

Sarah walked with Jess into the other room and they sat and talked.

Jess: How are things going?
Me: They are going. We are honestly happy.
Jess: So happy for you.
Me: Thank you. How are you both?
Jess: Well G and I found some old pictures in the closet the other day and we found this one that you took of us at the wedding many years ago. It is the one of G and I.

Me: I loved that picture

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Me: I loved that picture. You guys are so cute.
Jess: Sarah you know I wished you and Aaron worked out right? I'm sorry you guys didn't.
Me: Jess I was a fuckin bitch to think a man like him would take me seriously. He used me and he got me pregnant twice and used me again. I wouldn't honestly say "we didn't work out" I would say "we weren't meant to be together."
Jess: Sarah I'm sorry.
Me: No Jess. I am. I should have never made that sign for him and I should have never fallen for his bullshit.

A couple of minutes later Blake walked in with G. They were silent but they sat down and had sad eyes.

Me: I'm sorry you guys had to hear that.
Blake: Honey I'm glad you are letting everything that is bothering you out.
Me: Blake I'm sorry I know I shouldn't be talking about it. I feel so bad that you have to hear this over and over again. It just is something that won't ever go away and that I have scars from.
Blake: Sarah, no need to apologize. You take all the time that you need and I promise you what he did to you I won't ever do. Sarah he was the wrong fish in the pond and that happens to everyone. That happened to me plenty of times and does it still scar me absolutely and I needed therapy for it. I'm glad you are opening up because remember when you couldn't. Your therapist who is loving and supporting of you understands that you have your kids who have suffered so many years and I know you don't want to have anything to do with Aaron again.
Me: You are correct but why did you even bother to want to help me?
Blake: Because for the first time in my life I could say I fell madly in love with you not because you are perfect just the way you are but you are just a wonderful mom and just a wonderful person and you will go above and beyond for anyone who is willing to ask you for help. Not many people do that honey and I'm glad that my fiancé who I get to marry next month is like that. I'm glad that I can be the one to put that smile on her face. All the assholes that roam this earth I will move mountains to get rid of them for you because I love you and I want to have a forever with you.

I smiled back at him and so did G and Jess.

G: Damn Sarah I wish you could have met him way back when.
Me: Yeah I wished that also. Every single day.
Jess: Sarah God loves you enough to bring you this man who is willing to take all of you and help you through life like you are helping him with his.
Blake: That's what I told her I wanted to do.
Me: I never took him for granted. I'm just scared to lose him.
Blake: You won't lose me peaches.
Me: Haha did you just use my line. Man you are special.
Blake: Yeah I am. *Smirk*

G: You two are just like us.
Jess: They are honey.
G: I need a picture of you two.

G walked over to get his phone and snapped one of us sitting on the couch.

Me: This is adorable

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Me: This is adorable.
Blake: Yeah I love that.


Guess who stopped by?

Jess: Haha I love this! G: They don't know!

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Jess: Haha I love this!
G: They don't know!

Me: Giancarlo! Really! 😂
Blake: Oh lord. 😂

G: Sorry thought it was cute.

Everyone who followed us commented cute things and they thought it was funny. 😂

The days continued to go smoothly for Sarah and Blake but let's see what happens when Casey confronts Sarah about what she did in the next chapter. ;)

"Keeping Promises" (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now