Moving On. Is it time?

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I came home from the clinic and I was sitting on the couch and I see a suit case next to me. I was wondering why until I saw Ben come out of our room with Fuzzy and his things.

Ben: Hey.
Me: Hey. What's going on?
Ben: I am going to Australia for a month for the NBA.
Me: Do you want me to come with you?
Ben: No.
Me: I mean it is close to the season being over and you have family out there so I understand.
Ben: Yeah. I would take you with me but I have some things that I need to take care of.
Me: No I understand.
Ben: I'm leaving in an hour. Also I'm taking Fuzz to stay with my parents and Olivia. You and Jeter can have the house.
Me: Thanks.

Sarah's POV:

Ben knew that his time in the NBA was really rocky and I think going to Australia was going to help him. I just don't understand why he didn't want me to go with him? I guess I will never know.

While he finished packing I heard a car horn outside and he took Fuzz with him and walked out.

I sat alone next to Jeter and stared out the window.

Jeter looked up at me with his corgi eyes and I had this confused look on my face. I got a text from Ayesha and she told me her and Steph as well as the kids were going to Australia for the NBA and they were keeping the dog with a friend. I was still confused as to why Ben didn't want me to go with him.

A couple of minutes later Steph called me.

Steph: Sarah.
Me: Hey.
Steph: Ben is at the airport alone. Why are you not with him?
Me: He said I didn't need to come.
Steph: What do you mean? The families are invited.
Me: He told me I can stay with Jeter in the house and he dropped Fuzz off to his parents.
Steph: That's odd. Ayesha was waiting for you at the airport.
Me: Tell her I'm sorry he didn't want me to go with him.
Steph: I will. We will talk when we get back in a month.
Me: Okay.

I was looking on Twitter seeing all the basketball ladies get on planes with their men to Australia for events or something. Was Ben ashamed of me? Is that why he didn't want me to go with him? Was there another woman in Australia that he was meeting? I would never know.

Since I was bored I went back to the park where the clinic was with Jeter and I was sitting right on home plate with him petting his head. Even my own pet could tell I was sad.

I saw someone walking over to the field and it was a man with his son. The son was wearing a Yankee shirt and I smiled.

The man asked me if they could use the field and I said sure they could.

As I was walking off with Jeter the man asked me to have a catch with his son and I said sure. The little boy looked to be about six. It was cute and I remembered when Conner was that age.

While I was in the process of playing catch with the man's son Jeter was lying in the grass where I could watch him.

A couple of minutes later I see Patty walk over to the man and give him a hug. Then Patty sees me with a confused face.

Patty: Sarah?
Me: Hey Patty.
Patty: Aren't you supposed to be at the airport with Ben going to Australia?
Me: Nope. He said he didn't want me to go with him.
Patty: I'm sorry.
Me: No that's fine.
Patty: How did you find my cousin Dave and his son Andrew?
Me: I was sitting on home plate with Jeter and they walked over and asked if they could use the field and I said yes. Then Dave asked if I could play catch with his son and I said sure.
Patty: That's nice. Andrew are you having fun?
Andrew: Yes Cousin Patty I am.
Patty: Andrew how about you go play with Jeter in the grass for a little I want to talk to Sarah.
Andrew: Okay.

Me: What's going on?
Patty: Sarah I know why Ben didn't want you to go with him.
Me: Why?
Patty: Let's just say the Foundation PR took photos of you with Aaron talking and posted it on the Instagram page and I think Ben noticed you talking a little too close to Aaron.
Me: We were just talking about baseball.
Patty: Sarah I know that but Ben doesn't. To be honest maybe things are just meant to happen.
Me: You think Ben is going to break up with me?
Patty: No no I'm not saying that I'm just saying that maybe Ben needs Australia alone to clear his head and if he comes back and wants to talk to you then good. If he comes back a different person and wants to be alone I would move on. That's what happened with Chrissy and Aaron. Aaron knew no one was ever going to be you again Sarah.
Me: I told him we were better off being friends.
Patty: Sarah remember before you left to come here you met me at the stadium and you cried and said "the people leave but the memories don't."
Me: Yeah.
Patty: Well don't you think it is time to be open for once that your heart cannot let go of what you had with my son. Sarah I understand you are frustrated when you fight with him and I understand you have broken everything in each other since day one but who said time apart was not a good thing. Did you see for once you were completely comfortable around him? That's because the time with different people really helped you two realize why you loved each other in the first place. The kids might have brought you together but don't forget about how Rosie, Jeter, Conner, Sapphire, and Chris feel. Maybe it is time to stop fighting and just be together for the sake of the kids. Maybe love will come when it should.
Me: I guess I could try that.
Patty: Everyone is over the house why don't you come over with Jeter and my cousins everyone would love to see you.
Me: Okay.

Having this talk did help clear my depression and overthinking a little but if Ben really wanted to end things with me I don't understand why he didn't do it before he left? Only time will tell I guess.

In the next chapter what do you think will happen?

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