Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Blake and I stepped off the plane and his father came to get us in Oklahoma City. He noticed a change in both of us and he knew it had to do with the trade rumors about Blake that he had been told from ESPN and Taylor.

Tommy: Guys.
Me: Yes?
Tommy: You know you both are acting like childish crazies right now right?
Me: Well I would like you to ask Blake why didn't he tell me that he wasn't happy with the Nets and am I the issue for that?
Tommy: Sarah listen to his response.
Blake: It isn't because of you.
Me: Then what is it?
Blake: Steve is not playing me enough and I deserve to be playing more because I love this game. It is my life. It is all I do right now.
Me: I know that and I understand you love what you do like I love what I do. Why couldn't you tell me Blake? You know I love you. You know I want to marry you and have a future with you no matter where life takes us with the kids or without them I want us to be together. Yesterday I was very hurt that you didn't tell me when this is our future. If I go with you I'm sacrificing my life to be with you.
Blake: You are correct. I'm not going to lie there. You have always supported me and I should have told you. I just knew you were going to say stay but now that you are seeing things from my point of view if I trade myself to California I want you to come with me.
Me: I hate Los Angeles and even the Dodger guys at the time I was with Cody knew that but I appreciated them only to come see them play.
Blake: You don't like LA?
Me: Nope. It is overrated and slummy.
Tommy: She's not wrong. The city has turned to trash and the people well they haven't changed much. Let me ask you a question son.
Blake: Yeah dad.
Tommy: If Golden State gave you a contract would you take it?
Blake: Yeah I would take it.
Me: I would want him to take it also.
Blake: I know how much Sarah loves those guys and I see she has the time of her life with them.
Me: Even if I love Steph and the guys Blake this is about you. This is your future. I don't want to be in the way of what you love to do and your future.
Blake: Sarah you are my future. In a couple of years I'm going to retire from this sport and I want you next to me to share that moment with me.
Me: You mean it?
Blake: Yeah I do. I told you from the day I met you at the restaurant that I wanted to make you happy. That's why your Yankee family brought us together because they knew even if we fight and stop speaking to each other that we would still find the time to come back together. Sarah I wanted you to be loved and feel loved. Aaron didn't give you that since the day he met you. I want to still give you that because I deserve your love and care also.
Me: I guess wherever you get traded I have to make the best of it and maybe try and work for the organization. I just really pray you are happy there Blake. I want you happy.
Blake: Thank you. I want you happy also. If I don't want to work with rat bags you shouldn't either.
Me: True.
Tommy: Wow you guys, doesn't this feel better?
Me: Yeah.
Blake: Yeah. I just couldn't afford to lose her again and she always said she wanted a guy who will fight for her and I couldn't let her walk away again.
Tommy: That's the dog fight in you Blake. You knew if you lost her you weren't going to find another like her and you aren't. Sarah is one in a million.
Blake: I want to make her happy. I want her to have my last name.
Me: You mean it?
Blake: Yeah I mean it. I can avoid looking for contracts in California if you want me to.
Me: If Golden State gives you a contract I want you to take it.
Blake: As for the rest of Cali?
Me: No I don't like the other teams in the NBA. Full of nonsense trash bags who stuff Monopoly money up their asses.
Tommy: Now you see why I said "You lose her you won't get another like her."
Blake: Yeah she's like the other half of me.
Tommy: Exactly and she loves other sports. She can even watch football and baseball with you.
Blake: Yeah she can.
Tommy: Anyways guys we have arrived at Blake's childhood home and I'm sure he's feeling nostalgic at the moment. You can even show her your old room.
Blake: Yeah I could.
Me: I love looking into a childhood.
Blake: Can you tell me about yours one day?
Me: The day you give me your last name
I will.
Blake: Promise?
Me: Promise.

We all got out of the car and Tommy walked into the house with Gail standing there with their new dog Fuzzy. Jeter was sleeping the whole car ride so once he saw Fuzzy who was his size he was having fun in the backyard where we were now sitting.

Blake in front of his parents slid the ring back on my finger and kissed my hand.

Blake: Thank you for understanding.
Me: Thank you for listening.

He kissed me afterwards just like the picture above and I knew it is where my heart belonged

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He kissed me afterwards just like the picture above and I knew it is where my heart belonged.

Gail: I take it you two made up?
Me: Again yes.
Gail: As long as you two stay together I don't care how many times you fight.
Me: Yeah I know.
Blake: I love you Sarah.
Me: Ehhh maybe I love you also.
Tommy: Maybe?
Blake: Yeah maybe?

Blake turned his back all hurt and I walked behind him and hugged him saying I loved all of him. I could see the smile creep onto his face.

Tommy: You two are exactly like us when we fought starting out.
Me: We want to last as long as you guys did.
Tommy: You will. I know your parents are proud of you Sarah. I know how much they love Blake.
Me: Yeah and my grandma would have loved him also.

We walked back into the house with the pups so they could eat and we could eat.

For the rest of the day being next to the man I love is what I wanted and dreamed about. I couldn't wait to marry him.

"Keeping Promises" (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now