The Interview Feedback with Open Thoughts.

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Aaron and I got home with Blake and Maggie trailing in behind us.
Blake: Aaron this is a nice place you have dude.
Aaron: Thanks man.
Blake: Maggs we should get a house up here I cannot stand LA anymore.
Maggie: That's not a bad idea. My mom said she could come and visit us since her life with the rest of my family is in LA. I wouldn't mind coming up here. I really could see myself living up here honestly.
Blake: We could bring Junior and Kings here since they on vacation with my brother and his side of the family.
Me: Oh that's where those two rascals went?!?
Blake: Yeah my brother last minute took Marieka and the kids to Florida. They wanted to go to Disney.
Me: Oh okay cool.
Blake: Yeah they miss you Sarah.
Me: Trust me when you bring them back here I will come and see them often.
Blake: Will do.
Maggie: So Sarah is it nice living with Aaron again?
Me: I mean when I lived alone I kinda felt out of place since I was only with Jeter but if I didn't have Jeter I would have seriously lost my mind.
Maggie: Oh I understand that. Speaking of Jeter where is he and Rosie?
Aaron: With my parents we pick them up tomorrow. Sarah's parents are with Sapphire and Kyle for the week and they don't live far from here.
Blake: Wow so everyone left NYC?!?
Me: I still have some family in Jersey but since Golden State brought me out here I moved out here and then the whole thing with Ben happened.
Blake: Sarah how did that go?
Me: It was ok. I mean we said we changed paths in life and he was perfectly fine where he was. He actually kept the house we lived in since he still plays for Golden State and his girlfriend some Aussie basketball player moved in with him. I haven't talked to him since the zoom a month ago.
Maggie: Do you plan on talking to him again?
Me: Maybe I don't know. Depends.
Maggie: Oh okay. You should take your time with that Sarah. I know you were angry with Blake for awhile but I think Ben just gave you somewhat of a warning but everyone else left you on the street.
Me: You could say that. I knew Ben and I were not long term we were just mending each other's hearts.
Blake: I saw it that way also. When you had the interview with Matt back in NY I said to Maggie when we rewatched the interview she's going back to Aaron watch. Maggs didn't believe me. She thought you would have married him Sarah.
Me: I'm not getting married again. Marriage for me is painful because I was broken too many times. I don't want to feel like marriage is going to complete my life because it won't.
Blake: So you never wanna get married again?
Me: Nope. I would much rather be happy with someone and not have marriage be a thing. My kids are perfectly fine married to good people and I'm okay with that. I don't want to be married for the sake of being happy.
Maggie: I said that to Blake. We were talking about it one day and I told him I just don't want to be married to be married. If we do get married it is going to be for all the right reasons not because society wants us to be.
Me: I agree.
Blake: Aaron what do you think?
Aaron: I would like to be married again.
Me: I feel like being married makes the other person seem more likely to leave you. That's just me. Being married to Aaron for awhile was nice but I said if I came back to him it would be for the kids. We are only together for the kids we aren't together for us. He knows this.
Maggie: Does he Sarah?

The look on Aaron's face was upsetting according to what Maggie and Blake saw but I guess in the long run we will see what happens.

Blake: What do you think the promise ring he gave you was for Sarah?
Me: Just for the sake of saying he's staying because of the kids. I just don't want to be married because I'm scared to be married again. Every single time I was engaged or married I always felt like I was never happy. Like Blake with you I was happy for the sake of being happy and with you Aaron I honestly felt like Samantha and Sabrina as well as Chrissy were just my replacements because I gave you Sapphire and Conner. Rosie I was glad to have her as my step daughter but I honestly wish her mom wanted her as much as you did when you didn't even know she was left on my doorstep as well as Blake's. Imagine if Blake and I didn't bring her in. No one would have even tried to rescue a child that wasn't theirs.
Maggie: You have all the right points Sarah but maybe you should talk to Steph and Ayesha about this. Even talk to Taylor and Marieka and see what they say. Just give the married couples that lasted a very long time to give you advice.
Me: I was going to go see Ayesha and Steph tomorrow when Aaron was on a trip with his mom and the kids.
Aaron: Let me know what they say since you don't think my love for you is worth it Sarah.
Me: I didn't say that Aaron.
Aaron: Okay fine. Guys the guest room is open I'm going to go sleep in the other one while Sarah takes my room.
Me: Aaron wait.
Aaron: No Sarah you clearly made up your mind.
Me: Okay. Fine.

Blake and Maggie walked into the guest room without saying a word.

I walked into the room and sat on the bed while texting Patty to check in and then she FaceTimed me.

Me: Hey Patty.
Patty: Hi Sarah. How are you?
Me: I'm good. How's everyone?
Patty: Everyone is fine. Where are you?
Me: In Aaron's room alone.
Patty: Wait why are you alone?
Me: Blake and Maggie are over for the next two days for a visit and we were talking about marriage and engagement and such and I said I didn't want to get married again and that I felt used every time I did get married and I was just an open book with all my feelings and your son got offended and told me to sleep alone. Ask him.
Patty: I see.
Me: What?
Patty: Oh nothing.
Me: Patty please tell me.
Patty: Sarah you realize the relationships Aaron had after you were not what he wanted right?
Me: Yeah he told me.
Patty: Don't you think he wants to marry you again Sarah just so he can feel whole again?
Me: Oh crap. I messed up.
Patty: Give him a day Sarah and I will talk to him tomorrow when you go visit your friends.
Me: Are you sure?
Patty: I'm positive. He will come around honey.
Me: Okay good night. Love you.
Patty: Love you more. Did you call your parents?
Me: I did. They are having fun with Sapphire and Kyle.
Patty: Good.
I got off FaceTime with her and just laid in my bed confirming with Ayesha that I would have time to spend with her and Steph tomorrow since their kids were with his parents for the week.
Then I went to sleep and hoping tomorrow would be a better day.

What do you think is going to happen with Sarah in the future?
Stay tuned.

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