Making Decisions. Amazing News.

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Blake and I sat down with Casey and the kids the next morning with the lawyers on the phone.

This lasted for about two hours until the decision was made to have Blake get custody of the kids but we could have just Casey come and see them when she wanted without Kevin. If Kevin came once restraining orders would be put down on him and Casey. Situations were serious now. Blake was not playing around and I didn't even talk once. This was Blake's life and these were his kids. I was only their step-mom nothing else but I wanted what was best for the kids.

Casey left with Kevin and that was that.

Junior: Dad are we going to see mom anymore?
Blake: Yes buddy you will but she's going to call me when she wants to come see you.
Junior: Are we going to stay here with you and Sarah?
Blake: Yeah buddy. You are. Is that ok?
Junior: Yeah it is. Kings and I just feel safer here.
Me: We are glad you do Junior.

The kids things were being sent over tomorrow from Casey's and they would be staying in the room's they are in now until we move again after Blake retires.

The kids were in the living room and a couple of minutes later the door bell rings. Blake and I weren't expecting anyone but when we opened the door Aaron was there with Chrissy and Rose. Jeter was barking and we let them in.

Aaron: Is this a bad time?
Me: No of course not come in.
Aaron: Ok.

We all sat with Blake in the kitchen and the kids came in and smiled at Aaron.

Kings: Hi Aaron.
Aaron: Hey. What are you doing here?
Kings: We are living with dad now.
Aaron: Oh wow ok.
Me: Yeah Casey came with Kevin this morning and Blake has custody of the kids with Casey coming alone only to see them once in awhile.
Aaron: I think that was a smart move.
Me: Yeah. It was.

Junior went to sit next to Christina and he was talking with her.

Christina: Junior how do you like living with your dad and Sarah now?
Junior: I like it because my mom never let me see him when I was younger and spending time with him now more often is going to help Kings and I not miss him as much.

I had this sad look on my face when he said that but I knew they were going to be ok.

Kings: Sarah was more of a mom to us than our own mother.
Christina: Oh really?
Kings: Yeah she cares about us. All my mom cares about is Kevin now it is like she forgot she has Junior and I.
Christina: Well now I know for a fact she is going to be there for you.
Junior: We love you Sarah.
Me: I love you both also.

I walked over to them and hugged both of them and I missed my own kids even if they were always working but knowing Blake's kids were around I was ok.

A couple of seconds later Aaron gets a call from Rebecca.

He walks into the other room and Blake motioned for me to follow him.

Aaron: What's going on Becca?
Becca: I don't know how to tell you guys this.
Me: Is everything ok?
Becca: Yeah but I'm pregnant.
Me: Oh my gosh did you tell Conner?!?
Becca: I don't know how to tell him. I told my job and they gave me a week to get myself together because I work in pediatrics.
Me: I'm glad they gave you time off but come over tomorrow to my place with Blake and we can talk. Did you tell your parents?
Becca: Yeah they are coming to visit next week since they both have a busy time helping the church. They told me to talk to you guys for now.
Me: Oh yeah sure. Come tomorrow.
Becca: Okay I will. Talk tomorrow.
Me: Ok.

Becca hung up and Aaron pulled me in for a hug while I cried.

Me: Looks like we are gonna have a grand baby.
Aaron: Yeah.
Me: Aren't you happy?
Aaron: Of course I am.

Blake walked in with Christina and everyone else with a concerned face.

Me: Rebecca's pregnant.
Blake: That's amazing!
Me: I know. I just didn't think she could have kids.
Blake: Things happen.
Me: Yeah. Blake this is gonna be a lot until her parents get here. You gonna be ok with me being all over the place?
Blake: Of course I will be ok. Im happy for you both.
Aaron: Thanks man.

Aaron walked over to Christina and gave her a kiss and I did the same with Blake.

Me: We should be ok.
Blake: Yeah honey. That baby as well as Rose will be perfectly fine. Rose is down for her nap with Jeter.
Kings: It's ok Sarah.
Me: I know Kings. I love you Princess.
Kings: Love you also.

Junior was sitting in the couch and I pulled him in for a hug also which was nice.

Junior: Thank you Sarah for being here for us.
Me: You're welcome lovely.
Sitting around with everyone helped me realize how much support Aaron and I were going to have as grandparents. Rebecca's parents were over the moon so this is nice.

In the next chapter Conner is going to find out he's going to be a father.

Stay tuned.

Also Congrats Aaron Judge for reaching 200 Career Homers and hitting his 42nd homer today! Proud of you Judgey! 💙😁⚾️🙌🏻🦁

Also Congrats Aaron Judge for reaching 200 Career Homers and hitting his 42nd homer today! Proud of you Judgey! 💙😁⚾️🙌🏻🦁

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