When You Just Need To Help.

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I woke up the next morning and told Taylor I would be on my way in about an hour and he said he would be working on somethings for work but he would leave the same time I did.

Taylor: Where are we meeting?

Me: Meet me in front of the Player's Entrance to the stadium so when I get there I can ask for Coach Boone. He already knows we are coming.

Taylor: Sounds good.

As I was getting ready Olivia and Ben were having breakfast and they already fed Jeter and Fuzzy.

Ben: Aaron is coming in five minutes. Chrissy is going to come and stay here to keep Olivia company.

Me: Okay sounds good.

A couple of minutes later the door bell rang and I texted Taylor telling him to get to the stadium I was about to leave.

Aaron: Are you ready?

Me: Yes!

We got in the car and I sat in the back while Ben was in the front with Aaron.

Took us about thirty minutes since it was early.

Aaron dropped me off at the Player's Entrance and he and Ben waved bye and drove off. They told me to call them when I was ready to go.

Taylor texted me saying he was a block away. A couple of minutes later I see a man with a backpack and a smile and I hugged him.

Taylor: Thank you for meeting me Sarah.

Me: Your welcome. Lets go.

Taylor: Blake doesn't know I'm here.

Me: I know Aaron told me he wants to help if he can.

Taylor: He needs trustworthy people Sarah.

Me: Yeah I know. Is that why you contacted me?

Taylor: Yeah. I saw the way you are with anyone Sarah and I knew you would be able to help my brother after what he did to you. He's kicking himself every single day Sarah for what he did to you.

Me: He should be.

Taylor: I know but I mean he doesn't trust anyone but you.

Me: I can see why. Then again tell me what is going on with him. I'm worried.

Taylor: I know a lot of people saw the Celtics photo of him and the team last night and I wanted you to know that he is being abused but I don't know by who. Like everyone thinks oh he's this large dude how could he possibly be going through that.

Me: Anyone can go through it.

Taylor: I think Melissa is doing it and maybe the team just doesn't care to ask.

Me: Did he break up with Melissa?

Taylor: A month ago and she moved onto someone else which I knew they wouldn't last anyways. I have a feeling this keeps going on but he's hiding it.

Me: Okay well I have a cousin in Boston who is a mental health coach and who is a really good person and is my age. I have a feeling I could call her and let her know where to meet Blake.

Taylor: That sounds good. This stadium is amazing by the way.

Me: Yeah I spent all my years here. The Yankees are my family so yeah.

Taylor: I like that Sarah.

Me: Me too. How are you otherwise?

Taylor: I'm okay just worried about my brother.

Me: I know. I am going to call Maggie my cousin when I get home and I am going to text you her number so you can talk to her and have her work with Blake from there.

Taylor: Yeah that sounds good.

Me: Thank you for meeting me.

Taylor: No thank you Sarah. I am going to meet a friend right now but I will let you know if I get any updates.

Me: Sounds good.

We both walked out and Aaron was outside with Ben already.

Ben: How did it go?

Me: It was good. Taylor thinks it started with Melissa and it is coming from other places also but I told him I was going to talk to my cousin Maggie who lives in Boston since she's a mental health coach and she also has worked with athletes before so I know for a fact she can talk to Blake up in Boston.

Ben: That's a good connection to have Sarah.

Me: Yeah she's great. She's on my grandma's side of the family.

Aaron: I'm just glad he's going to be getting help and I am shocked he didn't even text me or tell me about it.

Me: Well you men bottle up everything and then you prefer to talk to professionals which is fine but when the professionals aren't around you have to talk to people you can trust.

Aaron: That is true Sarah. I mean you helped me and I talk to Dr. Perkins every single day now.

Me: You see.

Ben: I should go talk to Dr. P with you babe.

Me: Yeah you can. I have an appointment with her in a couple of weeks come with me.

Ben: I'm going to.

Aaron: I am going to come over for lunch since Chrissy is with Rosie, Olivia and the pups.

Me: Yeah sure.

We walked through the door and I went to call Maggie.

Her number rang for a couple of minutes and then she picked up.

Maggie: Hi Sarah!

Me: Hey Maggie!

Maggie: I miss you! How are you cousin?!?

Me: I'm good! How is everyone on your end?

Maggie: They are good. I just came back from brunch with friends. What's going on since you haven't called me in years.

Me: Well my ex needs help.

Maggie: Tell me what's going on. Is it Aaron or Blake?

Me: Blake.

Maggie: What seems to be the issue?

Me: His brother Taylor came to Yankee Stadium to talk to me today and he thinks his ex Melissa abused him and then he thinks he's hiding it emotionally but has scars on his neck and face that are faint but you can see from photos he has something going on with him. I think he's scared to face the world.

Maggie: Oh this is right up my alley. I can definitely help him. My friend Kelly knows people who work with the Celtics and her husband knows people also since he works with the NBA low key on the side so we can help him.

Me: Thank you so much. I feel like I can help him but I think he needs someone who is closer and he can go to just taking a walk.

Maggie: Nope I can help him. Tell Taylor to call me on this number and he can have Blake meet up with me in a week or two.

Me: Maggie I love you thank you. We should meet up soon.

Maggie: Yes we should. Good luck with the Nets and with Ben. Also tell Ben he can call me also.

Me: I will thank you girl.

Maggie: Welcome.

The next chapter we will see what is going to happen with Maggie and how she can help Blake. We are also going to see how Ben can get his help and how things just roll on in the upcoming chapters. A lot going on so stay tuned. ;)

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