Day One vs Day One Without Him

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I walked into the Nets facility this morning and the guys were already on the court but they looked to be about done with their drills and were about to play a pick-up game.

I walked into the gym and sat down near the bleachers area drinking my latte and taking notes. Some of the new guys came over to say hello that I hadn't met the last time and I said hello back.

I looked all over the court and it felt different not getting a hug or a kiss from Blake but I wanted to be solo at this job. I really wanted to be by myself.

Kev and Kai came over and gave me hugs and kisses and walked over to the rest of the team and since Seth was still working on his ankle he came and sat next to me.

Seth: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey.
Seth: You ok?
Me: I will be better. Need some getting used to.
Seth: I understand. It is gonna take time since he isn't here Sarah.
Me: How do you know?
Seth: I feel like that when I'm on the road and Callie is at home with the kids. I know she misses me and I know she misses being around me all the time but I gotta help my family.
Me: Yeah I know. I just gotta be alone in this job. I cannot have my husband around up my behind.
Seth: I get it. Trust me my wife would say the same thing.
Me: Did your brother talk to you about it?
Seth: Yeah and actually Ayesha did. She told me you needed time alone Sarah.
Me: Ayesha is the most strongest woman I know. That's why I can always go to her.
Seth: You know you are right Sarah. Have you also thought about going to Vanessa again? She's in NY for a couple of days.
Me: Bryant?
Seth: Yeah. She would love to talk to you. She actually found out about Blake from Kevin. She wants to check on you. Actually she might stop by tomorrow.
Me: Yeah I'm going to think about talking to her to see what she says. I don't know how she still lives without Kobe every single day. Maybe Blake going to a different team will tell me if this marriage to him is worth the fight.
Seth: You know it is Sarah but only time can tell.

Seth walked away after going back to his drills and I was taking notes on how the team was playing and I saw a woman walk in who I know was not Vanessa but looked like Vanessa. I thought Seth said she was coming tomorrow I guess not.


Yep it was Vanessa. She changed her hair.

Me: Hey!

I walked over and gave her a hug and she gave me one back.

Vanessa: I came to check on you missy. How are you?
Me: I'm alright.
Vanessa: Tough huh?
Me: Yep.
Vanessa: This is a test Sarah.
Me: Yep. I was just telling Seth about that. He told me you were going to come tomorrow.
Vanessa: I actually have to go visit a friend tomorrow so I decided to come today.
Me: Oh okay. How did you find out about Blake going to Boston?
Vanessa: From Kai and then Kev called me and told me "I think Sarah would like to hear from you." He was right Sarah.
Me: Yeah he was. What do you think?
Vanessa: It is still fresh but when the season starts you won't notice he isn't around because you will be just yourself.
Me: Yeah I told Kev that. Marieka is staying with me to take care of Jeter.
Vanessa: That's nice.
Me: Yeah she doesn't like Boston and Taylor is with his brother.
Vanessa: Yeah I had a feeling he would have gone. What about the kids?
Me: I send them their home school homework then to their advisor they have so they can start school next year so they are keeping up.
Vanessa: Good. Now it is time to focus on what you love to do. I have read some of your articles and your article about Ben you wrote was really sweet. It seems that you really like him.
Me: Yeah I do. He's one of my best friends besides some of the other guys but I feel like I can go to Ben just for a guy hug when I need it.
Vanessa: It is nice to have that. I go to Kev for that when I see him. He's really supportive since him and Kobe were really close.
Me: Yeah he told me. That's why I knew you were going to be okay going to him for things. When Steph and Ayesha are around I go to them also.
Vanessa: Those are the people that care Sarah.
Me: Yeah I know.

Ben walked over and gave me a hug. To be honest I didn't care if he was sweaty I really loved his hugs.

Me: I love your hugs.
Ben: I know you needed one.
Vanessa: You two are adorable.
Ben: Do you want one also?
Vanessa: Yeah sure. Oh you do give good hugs.
Me: I told you.
Ben: I'm Sarah's rock.
Me: You are. Please don't get hurt I need you.
Ben: I won't I promise.
Me: Love you!
Ben: Love you also!

He walked over and Vanessa gave me a smile.

Me: What?
Vanessa: There is this sweetness with you two. I can't point it out but I can see it. It makes me happy that you have him.
Me: I'm really happy I do. Like when I feel like I want to breakdown and cry he just knows and gives me one of his hugs. It feels like I'm home.
Vanessa: I know that feeling. That's how I feel with Kev. Speaking of Kev I'm glad he's back with Monica. I love them together.
Me: Yeah me too. She should be coming by tomorrow.
Vanessa: I will try and stop by if I can.
Me: Ok.

Vanessa left a couple of minutes later and Kai walked over since practice was on break.

Kai: I saw the hugs Ben was giving you. I'm glad he's there for you.
Me: They are home to me.
Kai: I'm glad we can be there for you Sarah. He really does love you.
Me: Yeah I love him also.
Kai: What if something happens one day and you end up with him?
Me: I would cherish it. He's such a good man.
Kai: Yeah he is.

I looked at Ben shooting around and I snapped one picture of him on my phone so I could send it to him later.

Kai: That's a nice picture.
Me: Yep it is.

I knew things apart from Blake would take time but I had to get used to it.

Next chapter Sarah gets a call from someone interesting. Stay tuned. ;)

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