Time Alone before We Go Home

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Ben and I decided to just stay a night since we wanted to head back to Brooklyn as soon as possible. We wanted to be back for Rebecca and we wanted to be there for her when she gives birth. Conner has been keeping me and Ben both posted as well as his father and Chrissy.

Ben and I were now relaxing in the pool downstairs and I decided to make things a little more hotter. I pulled my bathing suit top off and he just smirked at me and started kissing my neck. To be honest from the warmth of the water to the hotness of his lips and breath it was a nice feeling to get everything. He whispered into my ear asking if he could continue and I said yes.

Ben: You know this really feels nice that we can be alone and do this.
Me: Yeah I know. Ugh hold on my phone is ringing.
Ben: Who is it?
Me: Your sister.

Me: Hello?
Olivia: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hi girl. What's up?
Olivia: My brother isn't answering his phone.
Me: He left it upstairs.
Olivia: Makes sense. Tell him mom and dad want to have dinner when he's back in the city.
Me: Actually that's a good idea. I have a grandchild on the way anyways.
Olivia: Oh how wonderful?!?
Me: Yeah. Rebecca is giving birth in a couple of days and we are coming back tomorrow afternoon from Boston.
Olivia: I take it it didn't go well with Blake.
Me: Nope.
Olivia: Had a feeling. Anyways you two have a good night and tell my brother I said hello.
Ben: Bye Olivia!
Olivia: Bye brother!

Ben's POV:

Having Sarah near me was definitely helping my anxiety and I could feel her hands run up and down my shoulders which felt nice. She snapped me out of my daze when she kissed my forehead.

Me: Hey you ok honey?
Ben: Yeah honey. Just thinking.
Me: About ?
Ben: How I haven't had anxiety at all.
Me: I'm glad you haven't.
Ben: How about we dry off and go upstairs and check on the dogs.
Me: Yeah sounds good.

Jeter and Curly were waiting for us at the top of the stairs. We pet them on the heads and they followed us upstairs to the bedroom.

We put their doggie beds in the corner of our room since we were protective doggie parents and wanted to keep them close.

We took a shower and climbed into bed. As we were about to turn on Netflix and get comfortable Ayesha was FaceTiming.

Ayesha: Hello love birds!
Me: Hi!
Ben: Hi.
Ayesha: What's up?
Me: Nothing much we are cuddled up in bed with the dogs at the end sleeping.
Ayesha: You two are cute. Olivia called me and said it didn't go well with Blake.
Me: She's correct it didn't.
Ayesha: I'm sorry.
Me: No that's fine. It was bound to happen. I'm just happy I had Ben with me. I wouldn't have been able to do this alone. I would have been in the corner crying.
Ben: I told her I would come with her for emotional support and I didn't want her driving alone with Jeter.
Ayesha: That's a good man Sarah. Speaking of man Steph is taking a shower upstairs and he says hello.
Ben: Tell him we said hi.
Ayesha: Can I ask a stupid question?
Me: Yeah okay. What is it?
Ben: Have we had sex yet? Yeah we have twice.
Ayesha: Oh okay. Just wondering.
Ben: Haha and the follow up question to that is "is Sarah amazing?" Yes she is.
Ayesha: Oh good.
Me: Um. Alright. We are gonna hang up now.
Ayesha: Haha! 🥰🤣
Me: Night girlie!
Ayesha: Night! 🤣

Ben: Was she always like that?
Me: Oh yeah but she means well.
Ben: Yeah I know.
Me: I want to relax with you now but I have to make one more phone call to Rebecca.
Ben: No sure.

I FaceTimed her and Conner picked up.

Me: Hi Conner.
Conner: Oh hey mom.
Me: Sorry to bother you both but how are you?
Conner: We are fine. Becca's on the bed.
Becca: Hi mom.
Me: Hi baby. You ok?
Becca: Yep. Just waiting for this grandchild of yours which is a boy to come out of me. God I'm exhausted. 😔
Me: I know sweetie. He will be here before you know it. Ben and I will be on our way back to Brooklyn tomorrow. So we will see you guys in a couple of days but if anything happens let me know.
Conner: We will mom. Have a good night. Bye Ben.
Ben: Bye guys. I have my phone on me also let me know.
Becca: We will!

Within the next ten minutes we checked on everyone put our phones on the chargers in the night stand and turned the lights off in the room and turned on Netflix on the TV.

Ben: Maybe having the grand baby around will help.
Me: Yeah that's what I was thinking.
Ben: I mean I have my nieces and nephews but having an ounce of another child is so nice. How is Rose?
Me: She's three now. Can you believe it? Aaron texts me telling me to come get my step daughter and I keep laughing. Chrissy loves her so that's a good thing.
Ben: I'm happy he cleaned up his act and stayed with Chrissy.
Me: He's learned his lesson multiple times. He knows what happens if he breaks Chrissy's heart. I'm gonna make sure he never sees the light of day again.
Ben: Haha I know you will. ;)

Sarah's POV:
I thought about telling Ben I loved him but I knew it was too early. I mean we showed the signs of love but we never said anything out loud about it. Maybe we will soon.

In the next chapter Sarah heads back to Brooklyn and she wonders who's she's going to run into before Rebecca gives birth.

Stay tuned.

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