Moments vs Memories

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I went back to my place with Marieka passed out on the couch with Jeter. I picked Jeter up from the couch next to her and I packed a bag for him and his doggie food also and I then went into my room with him standing by my door with his things and I packed a suit case also. I would come back for my things some other time at the end of the week. Blake was the owner of this apartment so I had to leave and find a new place yet again.

Marieka woke up as soon as I was about to leave.

Marieka: Ben called me.
Me: He told you what happened?
Marieka: Yeah.
Me: Sorry I didn't text you.
Marieka: Girl no matter what happens Taylor and I are not mad at you and neither are the kids. I'm sorry for what Blake did. He's an asshole.
Me: Yeah well he needs to realize what he now lost.
Marieka: You are correct. Anyways have a good night with Ben.
Me: How did you know I'm staying with him?
Marieka: He told me. He loves you Sarah. Give him a chance.
Me: He knows to give me time.
Marieka: sure he does. Though just listen to me and open up to him. He's a sweet man. He always gets hurt also so he won't hurt you.
Me: I know. I will talk to you tomorrow.
Marieka: Okay girlie. Love you.
Me: Love you too!

Jeter followed me out and I was on my way to Ben's.

A couple of minutes later since he didn't live far I knocked on the door.

Ben: Hey. Come in.
Me: Thanks. Just had to bring more clothes. I will put it in the guest room.
Ben: Whatever makes you and Jeter comfortable.
Me: Thanks.
Ben: Sarah listen you can stay as long as you need.
Me: I don't want to over stay though.
Ben: Trust me my dog loves Jeter's company and I love yours. It works. Besides I need someone who gets me that isn't a dude around here.
Me: I know. Same here.
Ben: You want to watch a movie.
Me: Yeah.

A couple of seconds later an update from ESPN comes up about Blake and Ben.

Ben: Sarah I read it. Just don't bother.
Me: Yeah I wasn't going to.
Ben: We should turn off our phones for the rest of the night.
Me: Yeah. Marieka knows where I am and I texted my parents on the way here and they said everyone is fine. That's all I care about.
Ben: What about the kids?
Me: Trust me they are okay.
Ben: Okay.

We left our phones in the kitchen to charge on the doc and we went to watch the movie with some pizza.

Me: Thank you for this.
Ben: No problem Sarah. We both need it.
Me: You know I always had to separate my moments from my memories and I haven't had many good memories really. Though the good moments are the ones I spend with you guys on the court.
Ben: Trust me Sarah I could say the same. You have become one of my good friends and who knows maybe something good might come out of this.
Me: Yeah maybe. Kai said we might end up together but I'm going to let God handle that. If it is meant to happen it will but if we can just be friends for now I would like that a lot.
Ben: No yeah I would like that also.
Me: Ok good.
Ben: I love you Sarah.
Me: I know. I love you more.

He leaned in to kiss me on the head and I gave him one on the cheek.

Ben: You know if I wanted to spend the rest of my life with someone and if it came down to spending it with you it would mean a lot to me. You are really the only woman who isn't related to me blood line wise that I can talk to. I mean I have other women as friends who are married and such but you are just someone different. Like you don't flinch when I kiss you and you don't yell at me when I'm doing too much.
Me: That's because I trust you and I feel comfortable around you. I really thought Blake and Aaron were the ones but they always ended up being the ones that I really could have just been acquaintances with. I mean with Aaron I'm happy to have my kids and I'm happy that I still get to talk to him with the kids being the only thing that connects us because Chrissy says she's happy with him and I'm happy for her. To be honest my kids are happy and that's all I care about. Rebecca is due soon and Sapphire is getting married soon and to be honest I do want you in their lives Ben no matter what.
Ben: I know. I would love to have an ounce of someone for once.
Me: Moments don't last a lifetime Ben but the Memories are the ones that you cherish and sometimes cannot live without. I learned the hard way. I mean the moments and memories with the other men I was supposedly with didn't mean much. I only got married three times and I don't think marriage is really on my mind anymore. I'm so over having to share something with someone else but if God had something else left for me I will take it. I just know that Blake, Aaron, and Cody were just lessons learned but Aaron gave me babies out of it and they came out amazing. He knows he messed up and so does Cody and they are happy with other people but Blake he's going to learn what he lost just like everyone else. You lose me in your life there isn't another like me.
Ben: I love the way you think. I say the same about myself.
Me: That's why God only made one Ben Simmons. You gotta be the best version of yourself.
Ben: Thank you.
Me: That's why I'm here.
Ben: 😊

As the night went on and we had the dogs next to us it was just nice to share moments into memories with someone because who knows where God would take us next.

The next chapter things get pretty interesting. Stay tuned.

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