What We Missed

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It amazes you how much you miss from people you haven't talked to in so long.

I was sitting in the kitchen with Jess and G was in the other room with Aaron.

Jess: So what have I missed?
Me: Well for one when I needed you you weren't there.
Jess: I'm sorry Sarah.
Me: Jess honestly you could have told me I was bothering you and I would have left you alone but the fact that you really had no heart to contact me really hurt.
Jess: Sarah please I'm sorry. I had some things going on that I had to take care of.
Me: You know what I don't want to speak to you right now. Unless you tell me really what is going on I don't wanna bother with you.
Jess: I see. I will leave you alone.
Me: Good.

Jess walked into the living room and walked with Giancarlo out. He didn't know what happened but he saw the look on Jess' face and told Aaron he would talk to him later.

Aaron walked into the kitchen with a concerned look on his face.

Aaron: What happened with you and Jess?
Me: We had a fight. She didn't contact me when I needed her the most and her excuse was I'm sorry I was busy but never told me why she was busy. I really would have left her alone if she told me.
Aaron: Sarah it happens. Give her a couple of days and let her contact you.
Me: Okay.

I was just lying on the bed with a huge pillow and he came up from behind me and hugged me.

Aaron: What are you thinking about?
Me: The moments I missed with you.
Aaron: You did?
Me: Yeah. Every night I used to look outside and I would have that blue nighty on that you liked in Tampa and I would think about you.
Aaron: I thought about you sometimes like the back rubs especially. You were the best at those.
Me: Oh yeah I know. ;)

A couple of minutes later I was getting a phone call from Jess.

I picked it up.

Jess: Sarah.
Me: Yes.
Jess: Can we talk privately please?
Me: Yeah come over.
Jess: Thanks.

Aaron had a concerned look on his face and he said he was going to go see his parents for a little while and to contact him if I needed anything. He walked out when Jess walked in.

I walked with her to the kitchen table and we sat and talked.

Jess: Sarah I'm sorry I walked out on you.
Me: Nope, you had every right to I was mean to you.
Jess: Sarah my mom was sick at the time and that's why I didn't have time to contact anyone. I was staying with her in Miami for awhile.
Me: Is she ok now?
Jess: Yeah she's fine now but it was bad to the point where she couldn't breathe and they had her on all these medications and such. It sucked.
Me: Why didn't you call me? I could have come to help you with her.
Jess: Sarah I was going to but my sister was with me and she didn't want too many people to see her so sickly.
Me: I understand. Is that all?
Jess: Yeah that was it. How are things with you and Aaron?
Me: They are honestly much better now than they were before.
Jess: I'm glad. Where did he go?
Me: To see his parents and mine. I'm thinking of taking a trip with him back to NY for a week and then next month we are taking a two week to Italy? Do you and Giancarlo want to come?
Jess: Actually we are going to Puerto Rico for my cousin's wedding around that time but thanks for the invite.
Me: No problem. The four of us should take a vacation though.
Jess: I will look into it and let you know.
Me: Sounds good.

Aaron walked in with Giancarlo a couple of minutes later and we hugged them both saying everything was fine now.

Giancarlo: I hate seeing the two of you fight. Thank God you made up.
Jess: Yeah I know thank god we did also. The four of us I told Sarah should take a vacation next month after we come back from Puerto Rico and they come back from Italy.
Aaron: Yeah that sounds like a good idea. We I don't think since we got married had a vacation with the two of you.
Giancarlo: You are correct dude. Anyways Jess and I have to go run some errands for a friend who doesn't live too far from here and we have to go visit my cousins in LA.
Aaron: Oh have fun. Keep us posted.
Jess: We will.

Aaron and I walked them out and then we walked back to the couch.

Me: How are Rosie and Jeter?
Aaron: They are fine. Just having fun with their grandparents. We can pick them up tomorrow. I also booked NY last night for next Monday to Friday.
Me: Sounds good.

He pulled me in and kissed him and I could not get enough of his kisses so we ended up making out on the couch.

Me: I don't know how and why you do these things to me but they are working. It is like I feel under some spell when I'm
with you.
Aaron: Get used to it. I have become more of a romantic than anything.
Me: Well that's a good thing.

The rest of the day we were planning our trip to NY again for the week and we wanted to do things we hadn't done before and maybe run into some old Yankee friends.

Stay tuned.

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