The Other Side Of The Story..

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I woke up the next morning next to Blake and I rolled over and gave him a kiss on the head and went downstairs to the kitchen to make some coffee for everyone.

I looked down at my phone and saw a missed called from Giancarlo. While the coffee was going I went to the back porch to call him back.

It rang twice and then he picked up.

Giancarlo: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey G.
Giancarlo: How's Oklahoma?
Me: It is nice.
Giancarlo: Good the reason I called is I want to talk to you about the wedding.
Me: What wedding? Mine and Blake's?
Giancarlo: Nope the day you and Aaron got married.
Me: Okay what about it?
Giancarlo: Sam was not in the room with him. She wasn't even in Miami. She only said that to piss you off so you could go back to Blake and leave Aaron miserable with Casey.
Me: So she wasn't there at all?
Giancarlo: Nope. Even Jess said she didn't see her anywhere in Miami.
Me: So the dumb bitch lied!
Giancarlo: Yep. The other times I remember her being with him was the time you were with Blake and the time where you caught him in the locker room at the stadium.
Me: So again she lied about all those other times?
Giancarlo: Yes.

I could hear Jess in the background say "Listen to him Sarah."

Me: I need to talk to Aaron then.
Giancarlo: When you come back Sarah.
Me: Is there something else I should know G?
Giancarlo: Aaron is staying with us and Rose is with him.
Me: So he left Casey?
Giancarlo: Yeah he can't trust her.
Me: Yeah he now understands.
Giancarlo: Do you want to talk to him?
Me: Yeah put him on.

Giancarlo handed the phone over to Aaron.

Aaron: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey.
Aaron: Look I'm sorry about the last time.
Me: Don't worry about it. Are you and Rose ok?
Aaron: Yeah we are fine. I'm staying with G and Jess for awhile until I find a place with Rose.
Me: What happened to your other place?
Aaron: Too small for Rose and I. I'm going to buy a house twenty minutes outside of the city.
Me: Good for you.
Aaron: Yeah. Rose is getting bigger and she is going to need more room.
Me: Good idea. How are the kids?
Aaron: They are good. They are worried about us but I said we are fine and we are going to work this co-parent thing out and we should be okay. I also am helping DJ and Jordan out with Kyle and Sapphire's wedding. I spoke to them about everything and they seem ok.
Me: Good.
Aaron: Are you ok?
Me: Can I ask you something?
Aaron: Yeah.
Me: I know the fight you and Blake had the other day and I want you guys to make up again for that because he's being traded to another team and I don't think he's handling things well. I want you to talk to him.
Aaron: Yeah I can. Let me know he can call me.
Me: Thank you, his friends are distant from him and I think he only talks to Taylor now.
Aaron: He needs someone to talk to you mean.
Me: Yeah. If you don't want to that's fine but he really needs someone.
Aaron: I understand. When you guys come back in a couple of days let me know.
Me: Thank you.
Aaron: Welcome. Is there anything else?
Me: Remember the miscarriage I had before I couldn't have anymore kids?
Aaron: Yeah.
Me: That baby was yours. Not Cody's.
Aaron: Are you serious?
Me: Yeah I'm serious. I didn't know how to tell you.
Aaron: Was it a boy or girl?
Me: A boy. Aaron I'm sorry.
Aaron: Not your fault Sarah. I'm just happy you told me.
Me: Yeah I'm happy I got that off my chest also.
Aaron: Does Blake know?
Me: Yeah I told him last night. He actually joined me right now.
Aaron: Put him on.
Me: Ok.

Blake: Hey.
Aaron: Hey.
Blake: I heard Sarah talking to G.
Aaron: So you heard the whole thing?
Blake: Yeah. I know she was talking louder than she normally does because she wanted me to hear.
Aaron: Dude I'm a mess and I'm sorry. I'm living with G and Jess now with Rose until Rose and I move into a house twenty minutes outside of the city. She's getting bigger and needs more room.
Blake: I'm glad you are taking care of her Aaron. I know relationships and marriages haven't been good to you but I have a feeling someone is out there for you.
Aaron: Thanks man. I'm not worried about women right now I just want my daughter to be ok. She needs me. Are you and Sarah ok?
Blake: We are working through this whole trading thing and I'm sure she told you she wants me to talk to someone other than my parents and brother about it.
Aaron: Yeah she said that.
Blake: Is it ok if when we come back we can spend a couple of days with you in the house?
Aaron: Yeah. By the time you guys come back we should be settled in.
Blake: Okay good. I really need you man.
Aaron: I know.
Blake: Listen I need you to watch out for my kids for me. I know you don't want to speak to Casey and her new man and you don't have to but please keep an eye on my kids.
Aaron: I understand and trust me Casey let's me talk to them every single day.
Blake: I'm pissed as fuck with her and she knows it that's why she's scared to text me so I know I have your word.
Aaron: Trust me you have my word dude.
Blake: Sarah and I come back in two days and I want you to help us with the wedding. Who knows maybe you will find someone at our wedding.
Aaron: From your mouth to God's ears man. I'm going to put my trust in you guys to help me.
Blake: Haha we won't disappoint. Anyways gotta go.
Aaron: Alright talk to you guys soon.
Blake: Sounds good.

Blake hung up with Aaron and walked back into the kitchen and his parents were sitting with Sarah eating breakfast while Jeter was in the corner eating his with Fuzzy.

Gail: Everything ok?
Blake: Yeah I cleared the water with Aaron.
Gail: You need him just like you need your brother and father Blake.
Blake: Yeah I know. He understand what I'm going through.
Me: I knew he did. I'm glad you want us to help him find someone at our wedding.
Blake: Yeah. You told him about the miscarriage right?
Me: Yeah. I had to.
Blake: I'm glad you did.

As the day went on I had a couple of women in Blake's family in mind for Aaron but I wanted to see if he wanted to talk about it in a couple of days. I just want to be extra cautious with him. I don't need another whore trying to slaughter him like Casey and Samantha did. You can never trust someone who says trust me. It always ends in a disaster.

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