Husband? Finally.

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I got back to the room that Blake and I were staying in while everyone else was staying on the other floors of the hotel. Knowing how tired I was and Blake was not in the room yet was interesting.

A couple of minutes later I hear the door open and I was in the bathroom sitting in the hot tub.

Me: Hubby! Come!
Blake: I'm coming hun!

Blake walked in and smirked at me.

Me: I need hugs.
Blake: Ok.

He came and told me to stand up and I did and he sat behind me and I relaxed into him. It was raining outside but knowing I was safe with my baby I was fine.

Blake: Everyone is ok and Jeter is with your parents.
Me: The kids ok?
Blake: Yep. All kids are fine.
Me: Thank you, I love you.
Blake: Love you more, welcome.

I turned around and kissed him and to be honest this was the best kiss we shared all day.

It lasted long enough until I pulled away.

Blake: Mmmmm

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Blake: Mmmmm.
Me: What?
Blake: I want more.
Me: Ok.

After going through and entire hour of make out sessions it was time to go to sleep.

Blake: We can be more intimate tomorrow but I'm tired.
Me: Same.
Blake: I love you you know that right?
Me: Yeah.
Blake: I'm glad you know.

I looked at my rings and I looked at his hand.

Blake: It feels good to have this on and know who put it on my finger.

Me: Yeah. I know. Same with mine.

Blake: You know if we had gotten married a long time ago our kids would have been amazing.
Me: Yeah. They would have.
Blake: You are so smart you know that.
Me: Same with you.
Blake: You open my eyes to a lot every single day.
Me: Like what?
Blake: Just the way you are with my kids. You are so patient with your own but with mine you have this tolerance and just patience with them that not even my mom has sometimes. I think you just really understand them.
Me: I just love the way they are and the fact that Junior and Kings look like you is even more amazing.
Blake: Yeah.
Me: You know when I was with the Yankees I had more fun with Jess, Amy, and Jordan more than I did with Aaron. I don't know I felt like I had to just be this person I wasn't and I had to blend in. I know he said he did love me but I guess I really didn't know what love was at the time until recently today when I married you.
Blake: Really? You weren't happy at all?
Me: Nope. I was more forced to be happy because I didn't want to be alone anymore. I think Aaron and I were always better off as friends and nothing more.
Blake: I used to see a lot of the other guys with their wives all cuddled up at parties and I always wanted to know what that felt like because I never had that with Casey. We were just a fling who had kids. Kings and Junior were my gift and still are from the time I was with Casey but I never loved her.
Me: Yet you love me?
Blake: I always did. Since that Yankee game I always saw pics on the internet with you and Aaron and my friends would talk about how you and Aaron were in love and you guys wouldn't break up but something told me that you weren't happy.
Me: What made you think I wasn't?
Blake: The way your face looked in pictures.
Me: I was waiting for someone to notice that.
Blake: I did. Even Kevin noticed it. He goes "B she's forcing that smile you could tell."
Me: I always said I wanted to be in that one man's arms and just fall asleep but waking up in the middle of the night to feed the kids they truly meant more to me than my own husband. It was like I felt trapped in a sense. As soon as Aaron and I got married it was like bingo I knew I should have left and taken Conner and Sapphire with me.
Blake: So Cody, Bryan, Joey and the rest were just flings?
Me: Cody no but the rest yes. Cody actually reminds me of you.
Blake: In what way?
Me: We were friends first before we were something else.
Blake: Oh I got it.
Me: Yeah. I was in the honeymoon stage with Aaron but with you I feel like this is really for the rest of my life. Also your brother and sister in law are going to keep us motivated to love each other every single day. John was far away and I never got to talk to him because he was either teaching or with his family. He says when he comes back from Korea in a couple of days he is going to meet up with us after we come back from our honeymoon.
Blake: Good. Can't wait. Italy is going to be fun.
Me: Yep it is.

Next chapter! Italy!

Stay tuned! 🇮🇹

Stay tuned! 🇮🇹

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