The Day Before

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The Celtics came in to NY yesterday and I had yet to see Blake but I saw Taylor with the kids and they came up to me with sad eyes and I'm sorry's. To be honest I didn't care. I stopped caring.

Taylor: Sarah please talk.
Me: Nope.
Taylor: Please.
Me: No. I'm not talking to him. I'm going to work. Bye.

I gave the kids hugs and walked out.

Kings: Uncle T is Sarah going to be ok?
Taylor: I don't know Kings.
Kings: When will we ever have a mom stay.
Taylor: Hey listen to me. I love you both ok. No matter what happens. I'm sorry you guys have to go through this.
Kings: We are used to this.
Taylor: Ugh how about you and Junior go into my room and watch a movie.
Junior: Okay Uncle T.

Sarah's POV:

I walked in and the Nets were on one end of the court and the Celtics on the other and from the corner of my eye I saw Blake talking to a couple of the guys and he didn't see me so I walked to the bleachers.

Ben saw me and followed me.

Ben: You ok?
Me: Yeah I just need time.
Ben: I understand.
Me: Ben.
Ben: Yeah.
Me: I love you.
Ben: Love ya too Sarah.

I walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek and walked away.

Ben: Wait Sarah.
Me: What?
Ben: You gonna wear your ring?
Me: Nope. I haven't worn it in days. It is hanging on my necklace tucked into my shirt.
Ben: Oh ok.

Ben walked away and the rest of the team looked like they were keeping an eye on me.

Knowing I had to sit here and watch everything was beyond me but that was my job.

Steven and Eddie walked up to me with concerned faces.

Steven: Sarah let us know if this becomes too much for you. We know what the situation is.
Me: Thanks guys.
Eddie: We are family Sarah.
Me: I understand.

They walked back to their offices and I was looking through my wedding photos on my laptop and to be honest I knew I wasn't going to be that happy again.

A couple of minutes later I see some of the Celtics guys come up and say hi to me and I just looked at them with angry eyes and they walked away.

Kev: I saw what you did there Sarah.
Me: Haha.
Kev: Smart move. Didn't have to say a word.
Me: Is Monica coming?
Kev: Tomorrow she is. Told her you needed a woman.
Me: Thank you! Tomorrow might be worse than any time of the day today.
I just want these dudes out of my life. They are terrible to look at in those awful leprechaun looking uniforms. 
Kev: You are hilarious but anyways going back to my drills. Catch up with you later.
Me: Kev.
Kev: Yeah?
Me: Thanks bro.
Kev: Welcome sis.

He walked over pulled me into a hug and then walked back onto the court. Kai was looking at me and waved at me and I waved back also.

Ben walked back over to me and sat next to me since his drills for the day were finished.

Me: Hey. You know you don't have to always protect me.
Ben: Yeah I do. You are going through a lot and I want to know if you are okay. I do care Sarah. I know you want to take things slow I get it.
Me: Thank you for getting it.

He gave me another kiss on the cheek and then Blake came storming over to us.

Blake: Sarah I know you did not just let him kiss you!
Me: Blake shut up!
Blake: Why should I?!?
Me: Gee I don't know because you cheated on me with some slut! You know what Blake I'm getting the fuckin divorce papers ready! Going to call my lawyer right now to get them ready because to be honest with you the only people I feel sorry for are Junior and Kings. My kids with Aaron are grown and able to understand what the fuck is going on but Kings and Junior need a mother who loves them and I can't be that mom to them if we are never going to be together again. I will continue to check on them but other than that they are yours. You can choose what you want to do!
Blake: Sarah.
Me: What Blake! We are done! That's it! You promised me you wouldn't cheat and you cheated! Also spending time with those assholes on your team doesn't help either. To be honest I feel bad for their families! This shitty ass organization took the man I thought loved me away and brought back this fuckin beast of mass destruction to the surface that is NOT my husband anymore! I am done!

I took the ring off my necklace and threw it at his face and walked away. He tried to grab my wrist and I yanked it away from him and walked up to him and slapped him.

Blake: What was that for!
Me: You deserve it you scum! Guess fuckin what after you cheated on me with some slut I was slutting around also and I had sex with Ben! There I said it! I had sex with him and to be honest with you it was the best sex a woman like myself has ever had! Do I regret it ?!? No!

I walked away in tears and into my office and locked the door.

A couple of seconds later I heard two knocks.

Me: I want to be alone please.
"Sarah, its Steven are you ok?"
Me: I'm fine. I will talk to you both later.
Steven: Take your time Sarah.
Me: Thanks.

It was after two hours of doing work and eating my lunch I came out and everyone was gone except for Ben.

Me: Ben? What are you still doing here?
Ben: About earlier.
Me: Ben I'm so sorry! I'm just really sorry! I was so angry!
Ben: No Sarah. You had a right to be that angry. Even if we didn't have sex. I know you said that to make him mad and trust me he was. He deserved it though.
Me: What's that on your face?
Ben: Blake slapped me across the face and I punched him back but no one did anything. Everyone was just in shock and then they knew something was going to happen.
Me: I'm so sorry here let's go get you ice. Come into my office.

I went into the trainer's room and grabbed a bag of ice and had him put it on the side of his face.

Me: I want to stay with you tonight ok?
Ben: Yeah I was hoping you would.
Me: I will.
Ben: I will see you later okay.
Me: Okay.

In the next chapter some stories from the past come out.

Stay tuned.

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